HuangruiChu / Haxel-Eventbrite

project-starter-withered-horizon created by GitHub Classroom
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Project Introduction

Withered-horizon is delighted to present it's brand new low cost event management website intended to be used by educational institutions in the US to effectively register new events and RSVP invitees and safely handle invitee information.

Our objectives in this project:

1) To generate a commercially viable low-cost alternative to similar to sites like Evenbrite 2) To offer appealing user-experience to the intended audience. 3) To adhere to software development best-practices by adopting an Agile framework in our work.

Development team:

Huangrui Chu (eager-boar) : Lead Developer

Xincong "Jerry" He (proud-salmon): Senior Developer

Lu Cao (puzzled-hornet): Junior Developer

Abhinav Gokari (alert-butterfly): Product Owner

Edgardo Rios (tender-pigeon): Scrum Master

Duration: Oct 31st - Dec 11th

Our Wiki

Our Website


Thanks to Professor Kyle L. Jensen for providing Yale School of Management MGT656 "Management of Software Development" in 2023 Fall. This project is based on the template Kyle provided.

Building the project

Run go build -mod vendor to compile your project and then run ./classproject or ./classproject on Windows in order to run the app. Preview the app by visiting http://localhost:8080 if you're running it locally. Or, preview using the URL provided GitHub CodeSpaces if you're running there, natch.

What is here

File Role
./ This file!
./server.go Entrypoint for the code; contains the main function
./routes.go Maps your URLs to the controllers/handlers for each URL
./event_models.go Defines your data structure and logic. I put in a few default events.
./index_controllers.go Controllers related to the index (home) page
./templates.go Sets up your templates from which you generate HTML
./templates Directory with your templates. You'll need more templates ;P
./templates/layout.gohtml The "base" layout for your HTML frontend
./templates/index.gohtml The template for the index (home) page
./static.go Sets up the static file server (see next entry)
./staticfiles Directory with our "static" assets like images, css, js
./go.mod Go modules file. Lists our dependencies.
./go.sum A "checksum" file that says precisely what versions of our dependencies need to be installed.
./vendor A directory containing our dependencies