HuaweiDatacomm / telegraf-huawei-plugin

the huawei plugin for telegraf to collect and process information from huawei devices
Apache License 2.0
19 stars 1 forks source link



the huawei plugin for telegraf to collect and process information from huawei devices



Build From Source

Telegraf requires Go version 1.17.1 , the Makefile requires GNU make.(if you know step 1 and step 2,you can ignore two steps)

  1. Install GO:(download GO and put it in dir usr, mkdir goWorkplace in dir usr)
    vi /etc/profile
    export GOROOT=/usr/go
    export GOPATH=/usr/goWorkplace
    export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
    source /etc/profile
    go version
  2. Install protoc and protoc-gen-go:
    cd protoc-3.11.4-linux-x86_64/bin
    cp protoc /usr/bin
    protoc --version
    vi ~/.bashrc
    export GO111MODULE=on
    export GOPROXY=
    export GONOSUMDB=*
    export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
    source ~/.bashrc
    go install
  3. Clone the Telegraf and telegraf-huawei-plugin repository:
    git clone
  4. Configuring the environment of telegraf ,here's an example:enter the dir of telegraf ,then pwd,you can get the telegraf's should remember this dir,and export TELEGRAFROOT=this dir
    cd telegraf
    vi /etc/profile  
    export TELEGRAFROOT=
    source /etc/profile
  5. Run (warning: run only once)
    cd telegraf-huawei-plugin
    chmod +x
  6. Get the proto file, put proto file in this dir(telegraf/plugins/parsers/huawei_grpc_gpb/telemetry_proto). Here is an example of huawei-debug.proto.
    proto files:
  7. modify the proto file. Find the "package" option, copy the content following "package", paste it under the "package" option, and add "option go_package="/"; before the copied content. Do not forget the ";".
    cd /telegraf/plugins/parsers/huawei_grpc_gpb/telemetry_proto
    vim huawei-debug.proto
  8. run protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc:. ***.proto to generate the file of proto.
    protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc:. huawei-debug.proto
  9. Modify HuaweiTelemetry.go .add "" in import(line 3) and PathKey{ProtoPath: "huawei_debug.Debug", Version: "1.0"}: []reflect.Type{reflect.TypeOf((*huawei_debug.Debug)(nil))}, in the last function (line 93), Tips: we need to repeat this step 6,7,8,9 for each sensor path.
    cd /telegraf/plugins/parsers/huawei_grpc_gpb/telemetry_proto
    vi HuaweiTelemetry.go 
  10. Run make from the source directory

    cd ../telegraf

    Getting Used

    input plugin telegraf-huawei

    telegraf-huawei is divided into two: huawei_telemetry_dialout and huawei_telemetry_dialin


    service_address = “ip:port” #IP address and port number enabled for static subscription

    data_format = "grpc" #reserved field. The value is fixed at grpc.

    transport = "grpc" #reserved field. The value is fixed at grpc.


    service_address ="ip:port"

    data_format = "grpc"

    transport = "grpc"


    data_format #reserved field. The value is fixed at grpc.

    address #collection IPaddress and port

    sample_interval #sampling interval

    encoding #coding rules "json" or "gpb"

    request_ip #subscription parameters, vaule is 1~2^64-1

    suppress_redundant #option of suppress_redundant: true or false

    username # aaa's username

    password # aaa's password

    path #collection path

    metric_match.approach #filtering metrics methods ,"include" or "exclude"

    metric_match.field_filter #filtering metrics matching

    metric_match.tag # field to tag


    data_format = "grpc"


    address = "ip:port"

    sample_interval = 1000

    encoding="json" # or "gpb"

    suppress_redundant = true

    request_id = 1024


    username = ""

    password = ""


    depth = 1

    path = "huawei-debug:debug/memory-infos/cpu-info"



    appproach = "include" # or exclude


    "" = [""]



    - 4.start influxdb

    cd influxdb-1.8.7-1/usr/bin ./influxd ./influx create database DTS

    - 5.start telegraf

    cd ../cmd/telegraf go run ./

    - 6.start grafana

    cd grafana-7.3.6/bin ./grafana-server

    - 7.use Grafana  
    3.Add data source  
    4.Choose influxdb  
    5.Fill in influxdb's configuraton,such as url,database,username,password  
    6.Save & Test  
    7.Create Dashboard  
    8.Add new panel