HubSpot / cms-react-boilerplate

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cms-react-boilerplate [beta]

Boilerplate React project for creating apps using modules on the HubSpot CMS.


The cms-react-boilerplate legacy repository is a starting place for building and running a SPA (single page application) style React App on a HubSpot page. The React build itself is not directly connected to HubSpot.

Recently HubSpot has released "CMS JS Building Blocks" for general availability. Read documentation and view examples here. The "building blocks" feature directly integrates React on the server and the client with HubSpot and enables building HubSpot modules in React. Further, it builds on the HubSpot Developer Projects system which provides CI/CD build and deploy functionality.

Getting Started

For more information on local development tools, see Local Development Tooling: Getting Started


Set up HubSpot CMS CLI (@hubspot/cli)



package.json scripts