Hube2 / contact-form-7-dynamic-select-extension

Dynamic Select Field for Contact Form 7
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Dynamic Select for Contact Form 7

Adopt my Contact Form 7 (CF7) Plugins

I am putting my 3 CF7 plugins up for adoption.

The reasons for this are:

These plugins do have users and are usefull for those that use CF7 and I'd rather someone else takes them over than let them die.

The 3 plugins involved are:

These plugins were built to work togther

If you are interested in adopting all 3 of these plugins please open up an issue in any of the Github repos for any of these plugins. Below is how I would like to do this, if you have other ideas you can bring them up when you open the issue.

Add dynamically generated select fields (Drop-down menus) to forms in Contact Form 7 using filters

How To Use

1) Create a filter to be called from your CF7 Dynamic Select Field.

Example Filter:

function cf7_dynamic_select_do_example1($choices, $args=array()) {
    // this function returns an array of 
    // label => value pairs to be used in
    // a the select field
    $choices = array(
        '-- Make a Selection --' => '',
        'Choice 1' => 'Choice 1',
        'Choice 2' => 'Choice 2',
        'Choice 3' => 'Choice 3',
        'Choice 4' => 'Choice 4',
        'Choice 5' => 'Choice 5'
    return $choices;
} // end function cf7_dynamic_select_do_example1
add_filter('wpcf7_dynamic_select_example1', 'cf7_dynamic_select_do_example1', 10, 2)

2) Enter the filter name and any arguments into the Fitler Field when adding a Dynamic Select Field. For example, if we need to supply a term_id so that the filter can get the posts in a category the filter value entered would look something like this:

my-filter term_id=9

Do Not Include any extra spaces or quotes arround values, names or the =

You can pass any number are arguments to your filter and they will be converted into an array. For example the following:

my-filter product-type=101 brand=500

This will call the function assocaited with the filter hook 'my-filter' with an arguments the argument array of:

$args = array(
    'product-type' => 101,
    'brand'        => 500

Your filter must return an array. The array must be a list of "Label" => "Value" pairs. For mor information see the example in cf7-dynamic-select-examples.php