Hubs-Foundation / turkey-portal

Mozilla Public License 2.0
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This codebase can be run locally using either containers or bare metal.


Initial Setup

  1. Install Docker Compose
  2. Install Mutagen Compose
  3. Create ./client/.npmrc and ./marketing/.npmrc with the following contents, replacing {AUTH_TOKEN} with a GitHub personal access token:
  4. Initialize the services with bin/init


[^1]: Requires tmux and watch program files in the user’s path

Command Execution

Common commands can be easily executed inside a running container from your shell using the scripts inside the given service’s bin/ directory. For example, calling bin/mix deps.get from ./ will download the dependencies for the server. Calling bin/npx prettier --write . from ./client/ will format the client files using Prettier.

When executing the mix tasks referenced in this README, use bin/mix.

Bare Metal

Initial Setup

  1. Install and start PostgreSQL. In development, use "postgres" for the username and password.
  2. Install and use asdf to manage Erlang and Elixir dependencies
  3. Run asdf install to install the language versions in the .tool-versions file


  1. Install server dependencies with mix deps.get
  2. Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup
  3. Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server

User Creation

Run the following commands to create a local user and a test hub:

mix dash.create_account local-user-uid
mix dash.create_hub local-user-uid "Dev Hub"

Go to http://localhost:3000/subscribe?redirect=false and paste the following in your browser console to login as a local user.

The email associated with this token is "local-user@turkey.local".

Token IS subscribed to Subscription Platform hubs product

// If being redirected to auth server, we need to run mix dash.generate_local_token to refresh the cookie


Token is NOT subscribed to Subscription Platform hubs product



Use this to send a subscription changed event to the api via a CURL - Is Subscribed

curl -X POST "http://localhost:4000/api/v1/events/fxa" -H "authorization: Bearer {\"iss\":\"\",\"sub\":\"local-user-uid\",\"aud\":\"REMOTE_SYSTEM\",\"iat\":12345,\"jti\":\"e19ed6c5-4816-4171-aa43-56ffe80dbda1\",\"events\":{\"\":{\"changeTime\":1663196637000,\"capabilities\":[\"managed-hubs\"],\"isActive\":true}}}"

Use this to send a subscription changed event to the api via a CURL - Is Not Subscribed

curl -X POST "http://localhost:4000/api/v1/events/fxa" -H "authorization: Bearer {\"iss\":\"\",\"sub\":\"local-user-uid\",\"aud\":\"REMOTE_SYSTEM\",\"iat\":12345,\"jti\":\"e19ed6c5-4816-4171-aa43-56ffe80dbda1\",\"events\":{\"\":{\"changeTime\":1663196637000,\"capabilities\":[\"managed-hubs\"],\"isActive\":false}}}"


There are a bunch of dev utility tasks defined in lib/mix/tasks/dash_tasks.ex, including a generate_local_token task, if you want to modify the contents of the token. Run mix dash and mix help dash.<task_name> for more info.

Production environment variables