HugoByte / DIVE

DIVE deeply into the world of Blockchain and Web 3.0 using Deployable Infrastructure for Virtually Effortless blockchain integration
Apache License 2.0
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Dive deeply into the world of Blockchain and Web 3.0 using D.I.V.E. (Deployable Infrastructure for Virtually Effortless Blockchain Integration)



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Table of Contents


DIVE CLI – a powerful tool designed to streamline the entire process of node setup, network configuration, and bridge creation. With DIVE CLI, developers can easily connect and interact with various blockchain networks, paving the way for seamless cross-chain communication and smart contract deployment. Serving as an all-in-one solution, DIVE CLI eliminates the hassle of manually configuring nodes, allowing developers to effortlessly set up nodes for the bridge networks with just a few simple commands. The tool provides a user-friendly interface that makes the process accessible even to those new to blockchain development.


The Dive CLI aim to implement its services and API for various Blockchains. The kurtosis services and API are designed to simplify the process of deploying various nodes and services for development and testing and enhance the overall user experience. Implementing kurtosis for the ICON blockchain can help ease the developers in the ecosystem to focus more on building the business logic without worrying about the setup which consumes a significant amount of time.

The vision is to making ICON the interoperable hub by easing the setup of BTP and IBC for ICON and the connecting chains.


Ensure the following prerequisites are met before using the Dive-package:

Installing Dive CLI


Available Flags

Global Flags

Flags for Bridges

Flags for Chains

For archway/neutron:

For Icon:

For Kusama/Polkadot:

Flags for Clean


Before proceeding, make sure the Kurtosis Engine is running in the background. If it's not already running, start it by executing the following command: kurtosis engine start

Setting up a Node

To set up an individual node, simply pass the name of the chain to the dive chain command:

dive chain archway

After running the command, DIVE CLI will automatically start the Archway node and handle the necessary initialization processes. Please wait for the Archway node to fully initialize, which may take a few moments.

Once the initialization is complete, you can interact with the local Archway chain as needed.DIVE CLI sets up the Archway node on your local environment, enabling you to deploy and test smart contracts, explore transactions, and experiment with various Archway blockchain features

Detailed output during execution can be enabled via Verbose flag.

example: dive chain archway --verbose

Each Dive cli execution will be logged into log files under log folder in current working directory.

After successful execution service details can be found in services_xxxx_xxxx123xx.json. For more details, refer to the Service Details

You can also pass your custom config using the -c flag:

dive chain icon -c path/to/config/file

For detailed instructions on writing the configuration file, refer to the Configuration File Guidelines

Setting Up Bridge Between Two Chains Which Are Already Running

To set up a bridge between two chains which are already running, you must have the service names of both the chains.

For ex: To start an ibc bridge between icon and archway, we need to have service details of icon and archway as follows:

  "icon-node-0xacbc4e": {
    "service_name": "icon-node-0xacbc4e",
    "endpoint_public": "",
    "endpoint": "",
    "keypassword": "gochain",
    "keystore_path": "keystores/keystore.json",
    "network": "0x3.icon",
    "network_name": "icon-0xacbc4e",
    "nid": "0x3"
  "node-service-constantine-3": {
    "service_name": "node-service-constantine-3",
    "endpoint_public": "",
    "endpoint": "",
    "chain_id": "constantine-3",
    "chain_key": "constantine-3-key"

Run this command to start a bridge between the two nodes:

dive bridge ibc --chainA icon --chainB archway --chainAServiceName icon-node-0xacbc4e --chainBServiceName node-service-constantine-3

Note: You can also pass a single running chain instead of passing both. In such case, you can only pass either one of the service name flags that corresponds to the chain.

Setting Up Bridge Between Two Chains

To set up a bridge between two chains, run this command:

dive bridge btp --chainA icon --chainB eth -b

-b flag is used to specify the type of bmv contract to be deployed for btp setup.

This command sets up btp bridge between icon and eth . After running this command DIVE CLI will automatically starts the ICON & ETH node, deploy contracts which is used for BTP and starts the relay to constantly exchange messages between the established connection.

After successful bridge setup all the neccessary details with respect to bridge will be added to dive_xxxx_xxxx123xx.json. For more details, refer to the Service Details

Checkout More details on how to setup BTP bridge

Setting Up Relay and Para Chains

To set up a relaychain, run this command:

dive chain kusama

To set up a parachain in polkadot along with the relaychain, run this command:

dive chain polkadot -p frequency

To set up only the parachain in kusama, run this command:

dive chain kusama -p encointer -n testnet --no-relay

To set up explorer, pass this flag:

dive chain kusama -p encointer --explorer

To set up metrics, pass this flag:

dive chain polkadot -p frequency --metrics

To specify the network, use the n flag:

dive chain polkadot -n mainnet

To pass a custom config, use the c flag:

dive chain kusama -c path/to/config/file

For detailed instructions on writing the configuration file, refer to the Configuration File Guidelines

Note: You can run a parachain without a relaychain only in testnet and mainnet networks.

Note: The default network type is localnet.

Configuration File Guidelines

You can also pass custom config using the -c flag for chains that support custom config.

For cosmos chain (Archway/Neutron), the config file is as follows:

  "chain_id": "archway-node-0",
  "key": "archway-node-0-key",
  "password": "password"

For Icon chain, the config file is as follows:

  "p2p_listen_address": "7080",
  "p2p_address": "8080",
  "cid": "0xacbc4e"

For Polkadot/Kusama, the config file is as follows:

  "chain_type": "localnet",
  "relaychain": {
    "name": "rococo-local",
    "nodes": [
        "name": "alice",
        "node_type": "validator",
        "prometheus": false
        "name": "bob",
        "node_type": "validator",
        "prometheus": true

  "parachains": [
      "name": "acala",
      "nodes": [
          "name": "alice",
          "node_type": "collator",
          "prometheus": false
          "name": "bob",
          "node_type": "full",
          "prometheus": true
  "explorer": true

Configuration Fields

For cosmos chain (Archway/Neutron):

For Icon chain:

Note: The cid for ICON chain must be dervied from the genesis file.

For Polkadot/Kusama:

Note: The polkadot/kusama command start two nodes in relaychain and one node in parachain by default in localnet. In testnet and mainnet, only one node is started for both by default.

Config Templates

Feel free to modify this example configuration file based on your specific network requirements. Here is a link to the official templates that you can edit and use.

Service Details

The service details are all stored in the output folder in the current working directory. The output is further divided into sub-folders named after the enclave. The sample service details for various commands are given below.

Chain Command

The service details returned after running a chain command is as follows:

  "icon-node-0xacbc4e": {
    "service_name": "icon-node-0xacbc4e",
    "endpoint_public": "",
    "endpoint": "",
    "keypassword": "gochain",
    "keystore_path": "keystores/keystore.json",
    "network": "0x3.icon",
    "network_name": "icon-0xacbc4e",
    "nid": "0x3"

Bridge Command

The service details returned after running a bridge command is as follows:

  "ibc-bridge-icon-archway": {
    "chains": {
      "icon-node-0xacbc4e": {
        "endpoint": "",
        "endpoint_public": "",
        "keypassword": "gochain",
        "keystore_path": "keystores/keystore.json",
        "network": "0x3.icon",
        "network_name": "icon-0xacbc4e",
        "nid": "0x3",
        "service_name": "icon-node-0xacbc4e"
      "node-service-constantine-3": {
        "chain_id": "constantine-3",
        "chain_key": "constantine-3-key",
        "endpoint": "",
        "endpoint_public": "",
        "service_name": "node-service-constantine-3"
    "contracts": {
      "icon-node-0xacbc4e": {
        "dapp": "cxdc423964a82cb08ce561b35162b1206ade3199b9",
        "ibc_core": "cxf60b8dfcf5745df1ca81832bbd0281fb1c961413",
        "light_client": "cx22edaace91d092b3bd62008a57cef77fb8cc458c",
        "xcall": "cxc34f0537d11e3c26ee4bbcb6c181daba3a84d0cd",
        "xcall_connection": "cx13c69e008ae87e5d0c90ea72f3aa3202e068fe3b"
      "node-service-constantine-3": {
        "dapp": "archway1eyfccmjm6732k7wp4p6gdjwhxjwsvje44j0hfx8nkgrm8fs7vqfshgatxw",
        "ibc_core": "archway14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9sy85n2u",
        "light_client": "archway1nc5tatafv6eyq7llkr2gv50ff9e22mnf70qgjlv737ktmt4eswrqgj33g6",
        "xcall": "archway17p9rzwnnfxcjp32un9ug7yhhzgtkhvl9jfksztgw5uh69wac2pgssf05p7",
        "xcall_connection": "archway1ghd753shjuwexxywmgs4xz7x2q732vcnkm6h2pyv9s6ah3hylvrqvlzdpl"
    "links": {
      "dst": "node-service-constantine-3",
      "src": "icon-node-0xacbc4e"

Relay and Para Chains

The service details returned after running a relaychain/parachain is as follows:

  "frequency-alice-localnet": {
    "service_name": "frequency-alice-localnet",
    "endpoint_public": "ws://",
    "endpoint": "ws://",
    "endpoint_prometheus": "tcp://",
    "prometheus": true,
    "ip_address": "",
    "prometheus_port": 9615,
    "prometheus_public_port": 13713
  "grafana": {
    "service_name": "grafana",
    "endpoint_public": "",
    "endpoint": ""
  "polkadot-js-explorer": {
    "service_name": "polkadot-js-explorer",
    "endpoint_public": "",
    "endpoint": ""
  "prometheus": {
    "service_name": "prometheus",
    "endpoint_public": "",
    "endpoint": ""
  "rococo-local-alice": {
    "service_name": "rococo-local-alice",
    "endpoint_public": "ws://",
    "endpoint": "ws://",
    "endpoint_prometheus": "tcp://",
    "prometheus": true,
    "ip_address": "",
    "prometheus_port": 9615,
    "prometheus_public_port": 60957
  "rococo-local-bob": {
    "service_name": "rococo-local-bob",
    "endpoint_public": "ws://",
    "endpoint": "ws://",
    "endpoint_prometheus": "tcp://",
    "prometheus": true,
    "ip_address": "",
    "prometheus_port": 9615,
    "prometheus_public_port": 9351

Note: The service files are named as services_xxxx_xxxx123xx.json and dive_xxxx_xxxx123xx.json for chain and bridge commands respectively.

Note: The file names for both chain and bridge commands contain the name of the enclave and the short UUID of the enclave.


The logs are located within the 'logs' folder, further organized into individual folders named after each enclave.

You can find the 'logs' folder in the current working directory.

Each folder named after the enclave, has two files:

The file names also contain the timestamp which can be helpful to find a particular log file.

Note: The logs folder is not deleted when dive clean is run.


To check the current version of DIVE CLI, run this command:

dive version


To clean a specific enclave, use:

dive clean --enclaveName 'enclave'

To clean all running enclaves, use:

dive clean -a

Note: Using the clean command will remove the service files in the output folder. Using -a flag removes the output folder.


To get the details of all the running enclaves, use:

dive enclaves


To access any of HugoByte's official social media, run:

dive discord
dive tutorial


For guidelines on testing, please refer here.

Known Issues

Here is a list of known issues and their status that our team is currently working to resolve.


If you encounter issues while using the Dive-packages, refer to the following troubleshooting tips to resolve common problems:

kurtosis clean -a
kurtosis engine restart
docker --version
dive version

Refer here to upgrade or re-install your cli.

If you still experience issues after following these troubleshooting tips, please open an issue to get further assistance.


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. We welcome contributions to enhance and expand the functionality of the DIVE. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request.

  1. Fork the Project.

  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)

  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'feature message')

  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)

  5. Open a Pull Request.



Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE for more information.


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