HugoEnzo / HexGrid_Godot_4.0

HexGrid library for Godot 4.0+ (based on 's implementation)
MIT License
20 stars 0 forks source link


HexGrid library with functions based on 's implementation:

Godot asset store link:

Public variables and methods:

Variable -

var is_flat: Determines drawing style of flat or pointy topped hex

var size: A Vector2 of given hex size. x doesnt not have to equal y

var origin: The x/y position of the origin of the grid


func add_hex(hex, data): Add new data to an unoccupied hex.

func move_hex(hex_old, hex_new): Move occupied hex to unoccupied location.

func remove_hex(hex): Remove an occupied hex

func get_hex(hex): Get data for a hex

func get_all_hex(): Get a dict of all hex data

func get_wall(hex, direction): Get wall data for a given hex

Rotation Transform Herlpers:

func rotate_hex_left(hex):

func rotate_hex_right(hex):

Pixel funcs and things useful to drawing.

func hex_to_pixel(hex): x,y for a given hex.

func pixel_to_hex(pos): Full hex for a given x,y

func round_hex(hex): Round fractional hex to full.

func hex_corner_offset(corner): Vector2 Offset for a given corner based on layout

func hex_corners(hex): Array of Vector2 locations to draw a full hex.

Neighbor and Distance Utility Functions

func neighbor_hex(hex, direction):

func diagonal_neighbor_hex(hex, direction):

func hex_length(hex):

func hex_distance(hex_a, hex_b):