huilensolis / memoir

Memoir is a web editor for journaling and documenting your reflections.
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bun docker drizzle-orm elysiajs huilensolis journal journaling nextjs prosemirror tailwindcss text-editor tiptap typescript


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Memoir is a web editor..

MVP Features

  1. User Registration and Profile:
    • [x] Users can sign up using email or social media accounts.
  2. Entry:
    • [x] A simple and intuitive interface for users to write their daily thoughts, reflections, or experiences.
  3. Encryption
    • [ ] encrypt entries and make them only readable by the user
  4. Search and Tagging System:
    • [x] A search functionality to find specific entries by title.
    • [ ] Users can tag entries with keywords for easy categorization and future reference.

Out of MVP features

  1. Support for more blocks
    • [ ] links
    • [ ] checkboxes
    • [ ] item list
    • [ ] numeric list