## Feature Request: Convert JavaScript Codebase to TypeScript
Currently, our application is written entirely in JavaScript. To improve code maintainability, scalability, and develop…
While trying to follow the examples and import `tz` like this:
import { tz } from "@date-fns/tz";
I get the following TypeScript error: `typescript: Module '"@date-fns/tz"' has no exported mem…
Would you be interested in rewriting the frontend in TypeScript? It could make development easier and help identify common type bugs. I do I understand if you prefer not to use TypeScript :)…
Babel is currently undergoing an effort to align our TS-specific AST to what typescript-eslint does. It seems like Deno is doing something similar too. There would be value in having a shared reposito…
### File Title:
Everyday Types
### 文章位置:
### KM Steps:
- [X] 主題訂定
- [x] 大綱
- [x] 資料搜集&研究
- [ ] 內容撰寫
- [ ] 校稿
- [ ] 存放
- [ ] 確認是否要上傳至 [MerMer](https://mermer.com.tw/en)
- [ ] 使用 [Midjourn…
### File Title:
The Basics
### 文章位置:
### KM Steps:
- [X] 主題訂定
- [x] 大綱
- [x] 資料搜集&研究
- [x] 內容撰寫
- [ ] 校稿
- [ ] 存放
- [ ] 確認是否要上傳至 [MerMer](https://mermer.com.tw/en)
- [ ] 使用 [Midjourney](…
[Codevolution Typescript Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kt4PQlcLHco&list=PLC3y8-rFHvwi1AXijGTKM0BKtHzVC-LSK&index=2)
The idea is to be consistent, and be less erronous.
Once this is done…
### Is this suited for github?
- [x] Yes, this is suited for github
### To Reproduce
Open cursor with a file where sth related to better-auth is used.
### Current vs. Expected behavior
For som…
## User Story Description
As a developer
I want to have TypeScript properly configured
So I can write type-safe code and catch errors early
## Acceptance Criteria
- [ ] Install TypeScript and type de…
### Package version
@vinejs/vine@3.0.0 | MIT | deps: 8 | versions: 19
### Describe the bug
I encounter an error after updating from version 2.1.0 to version 3.0.0 on a snippet which was fin…