HumanCellAtlas / data-monitoring-dashboard

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Currently deployed

prod: staging: integration:

How to run the server locally for testing

  1. export DEPLOYMENT_STAGE=integration (or staging or prod)
  2. make -C chalice build
  3. scripts/run_local_server

The front-end will be served on and the API on Press Ctrl-C to quit the server.

Technical Architecture Diagram

Coming soon

How to set up dev environment

  1. git clone
  2. cd data-monitoring-dashboard
  3. pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

How to run functional tests

  1. export DEPLOYMENT_STAGE=ENVNAME where ENVNAME is the name of the environment you are running tests for
  2. source config/environment
  3. make functional-tests

How to run integration tests

Coming soon

How to run unit tests

Coming soon

How to setup and deploy to a new environment

  1. Setup new terraform dir at terraform/envs copying another environment. Replace environment references in and Makefile.
  2. Create new terraform.tfvars following terraform/envs/prod/terraform.tfvars.example. Set cloudfront_id to N/A.
  3. make upload-vars from terraform/envs/ENVNAME
  4. make apply from terraform/envs/ENVNAME
  5. make deploy_api from the repo root
  6. Setup api cdn, route 53, and cloudfront following existing environment setup.
  7. Replace cloudfront_id at terraform/envs/ENVNAME/terraform.tfvars with value from cloudfront setup from prior step.
  8. make upload-vars from terraform/envs/ENVNAME
  9. make apply from terraform/envs/ENVNAME
  10. make deploy_frontend from repo root
  11. check

How to deploy api and frontend to existing environment

  1. export DEPLOYMENT_STAGE=ENVNAME where ENVNAME is the name of the environment you are deploying to
  2. source config/environment
  3. make deploy

How to build and deploy data refresher docker image to existing environment

  1. Follow the instructions at to build and push a new image to dockerhub.
  2. cd terraform/envs/ENVNAME where ENVNAME is the name of the environment you are deploying to
  3. make retrieve-vars
  4. Replace data_refresher_image in terraform.tfvars with new image you built and pushed in step 1
  5. make upload-vars
  6. make apply

How to get test data for development

Coming soon