HumanRad145 / password_game

Inspirated by Password Game as a assignment for school
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Inspired by Password Game as a assignment for school

Feel free to play with it: (and please tell me if there's anything i could change to imrpove the efficiency of the code)

Rules: (11)

  1. Your password must be at least 8 characters.
  2. Your password must add up to 51
  3. Your password must include a colour from the 3 primary colour
  4. Your password must include at least 4 prime numbers from 1-10
  5. You password must inlcude something Mr.Poon gifted us last year in F.4 (Hint: it can bend)
  6. All vowel letters in your password should be capital
  7. Your password must include the year World War 2 ended
  8. Your password must include the abbreviation of an elective in HYS of 3 letters
  9. The mode of your password must be 6
  10. The number of lowercase letters in your pasword should be 2 times to the number of uppercase letters
  11. The length of your password must be a prime number

The answer rule 3, rule 5, rule 7, rule 8: