HungerHa / libreelec_package_argonforty-device

ArgonForty Device Configuration Add-On for LibreELEC
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ArgonForty Device Configuration add-on

Installs services to manage ArgonForty devices such as power button, fan speed and Argon REMOTE.

This will also enable I2C, IR receiver and UART.

What it does

For full support of the power button commands with a RPi5, please use LE12.

It might also work with LE10 (RPi4) but is untested. If someone is using LE10 and it doesn't work, they can try version v.0.0.4: LibreELEC Thread

Known issues

There is a limitation in the Argon ONE case firmware.

After the power button at remote control or at back of the case (held for > 3 seconds, but < 5 seconds) is pressed, KODI (OS independent) has only ~10 seconds to shutdown properly! Once initiated, the 10 seconds power cut timeout can't be interrupted and is perhaps only with another case firmware correctable.

To compensate that, I have optimized v0.0.10+ as far I currently could to decrease the shutdown time to below 8 seconds. But LibreELEC 12 takes much more time to shutdown the KODI process. Additional, depending whats currently installed and running in KODI it need sometimes longer, then the shutdown will not be graceful and data corruption is possible in the worst case.

The safety way: If the power menu of KODI is used to shutdown, the power cut is initiated just at the end (+10 seconds).

Workaround after improperly shutdown

Situation: Remote control power button pressed → 10 seconds timer starts -> shutdown is initiated → red LED turns off, but it seems that it doesn't respond to the power button on the remote to get it on again.

Please try in this situation (unsuccessful shutdown):

3rd party remote control

I have switched from lircd to rc_maps/keymaps (thanks to adam.h. for providing the files) to use the modern way with ir-keytable. If you use a custom lircd.conf for your remote control, please make a backup of your remote control configuration and/or place a lock file before installation of the add-on to prevent overwriting.

If there is already a rc_maps.cfg file in the /storage/.config directory, the add-on checks if the needed line to include the argon40.toml file exists. If necessary, an attempt is made to append the needed line.

In the worst case scenario, to prevent the add-on from changing the IR configuration, all you need to do is place an empty lock file in the /storage/.config directory.

touch /storage/.config/argon40_rc.lock


In the following installation instructions, the term "ZIP file" is used for simplicity. Because there seems to be room for misinterpretation and to avoid future confusion: It doesn't mean the code download button from GitHub, to download the whole source code repository content!

Please use one of the ready to install add-on archives with the name pattern from the releases.

The installation process will try to add 3 configuration lines to the config.txt to enable the needed modules for I2C, IR and UART. This part is not bullet proofed, because it looks only for the first line. It skips the needed modification if the line "dtparam=i2c=on" is already there. Therefore it could be better to make a backup of /flash/config.txt before to see the different.

A few things to do. The first 3 steps in square brackets are optional and are only needed if the dependencies cannot be resolved automatically and can usually be skipped:

Within Addons list, the ArgonForty Device Configuration add-on should be available now. There you can configure the fan control. The shutdown and reboot (double tab) should work now too. Please be patient, it will take a few seconds for the LED to turn off.