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Chrome CSP
Because of Chrome plugins CSP policy we cannot have inline scripts unless we mention their sha256+base64 value in manifest.json in content_security_policy field. Create React App includes some inline scripts by default so we would either need to have some build pipeline that extracts these scripts value and ads its sha256+base64 into manifest.json or we could use INLINE_RUNTIME_CHUNK=false environment variable that puts these scripts into external file.
Another inline script is window.GLOBAL_PERF_TIMESTAMP =; that is used for performance measuring. This one is added manually into manifest.json. Side note: performance.timeOrigin seemed to return wrong timings, investigate further in the future
Create React App does not support testing files that have name test.ts, only files with *.test.ts or *.spec.ts patterns, so we go around this by calling tests spec.test.ts
Global state is available in dev mode on window._state.
Bing API does not provide CORS headers, so we have ./hello-cors-proxy project that proxies the requests.s
remove polyfill, once supported by browsers
Icon by Alice Noir with slight modifications by me.