Huskehhh / MySQL

Simple JDBC MySQL database wrapper for Java
MIT License
69 stars 51 forks source link
database hikaricp java jdbc-wrapper mysql

A simple JDBC wrapper

Java CI with Gradle

A simple, clean and effective JDBC wrapper built on top of HikariCP

Setting up your project workspace


To integrate this library in your project using maven, add these to your pom.xml



Add this to repositories

maven {
    url = uri("")

And add this to dependencies


Note: it is assumed that mysql-connector-java is provided on the classpath.

If it is not, please also add

For Maven


or for Gradle


Versions can be found here


Instantiate the MySQL wrapper.

MySQL mysql = new MySQL(url, username, password);


Sync & async functions are provided, depending on your use case.

Example sync query

mysql.query("SELECT * from table WHERE id = 1;", results -> {
    if (results != null) {
        // Do something


Example sync update

int retval = mysql.update("INSERT INTO `whitelist` (`uuid`, `date_added`) VALUES ('"+uuid+"', CURRENT_DATE());")