HusseinBakri / Tanit-Keylogger

This tool is a remote Python keylogger for MS Windows, Mac OS and Linux OSs. This is an Ethical Hacker Educational tool used for educational purposes only (please see code of conduct)
MIT License
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Tanit Python Keylogger

Tanit Keylogger is a simple but powerfull remote python keylogger for MS Windows, Mac OS and Linux OSs. The tool is named after the Phoenician chief goddess of Carthage. The tool sends you a report to your email every specific amount of time. Please change these parameters in

The tool is part of an ethical hacker educational toolset taught normally in ethical hacking and computer security degrees/courses (please see code of conduct).

Tanit Keylogger is part of a toolset of ethical hacking tools that I will publish gradually on Github.

  1. Tanit Keylogger (Language: Python) - current repository.
  2. Adonis ARP Spoofer (Language: Python) - Go to repository URL.
  3. Simple MAC Changer (Language: Python), repository URL (will be added later).
  4. Anat Network Discoverer and Port Scanner (Language: Python) - Go to repository URL.
  5. Hadad Packet Sniffer (Language: Python), repository URL (will be added later).
  6. Shahar DNS Spoofer (Language: Python), repository URL (will be added later).
  7. Sweet Death Virus (Language: Python), repository URL (will be added later).
  8. Baal Backdoors (Language: Python), Go to repository URL.
  9. Vulnerability Scanner (Language: Python), repository URL (will be added later).

Code of Conduct

Launching this tool against unauthorised and unwilling users is both immoral and illegal. As a white hat hacker or security specialist, your job after taking permission, is to discover vulnerabilities in programs, systems and networks (white hat hacking) or help in discovering any gullibility in users (by social engineering). Thus, you can only launch Tanit or any other tool that I will publish later in this hacking series only and only when you are given explicit permission by the company that hires you or you are launching attacks against your own servers or networks. This tool is written after taking several ethical hacking and security courses. So, in other words, the code, which has a generated executable is intentionally detectable by antiviruses. It can be found in a form or another in many ethical hacking books and courses. I have added a lot of enhancements to the tools. To reiterate: This is a tool written in the sole purpose of teaching you how remote and local keyloggers work and it really shows you how much it is easy to write a simple, effective and yet powerful keyloggers in Python. This tool is for educational purposes only and it is not meant to be used in any harmful way. To reiterate, this tool is meant to be a tool to be studied by white hat hackers and security specialists/students and is not meant to be deployed against users that do not give you explicit permission.


A python remote keylogger that logs all keystrokes that have been typed by a user and then sends a report to an email every specific amount of time. You can package it as an executable for MS Windows, Linux OSs, and Mac OS. Please refer to the section called Packaging where I explain how to do that in detail. Enjoy!


You need to install pynput Python module. You can install it by pip or any other method you that you are confortable with:

pip install pynput

NB: Bare in mind that you need to enable less secure apps to access your email account in order for the Tanit scripts or executables to send you emails. Please check how to do that in the documentation of your particular email provider.


Irrealistic usage (educational)

To run the tool in the foreground:


To run the tool in the background (on Linux or MacOS):

python &

On MS Windows: you can run in background without showing a console by using pythonw.exe instead of python.exe. You can rename the extension of to main.pyw if you want.

pythonw main.pyw

A better way to hide the terminal/console is elucidated in the Packaging section which is a more realistic usage of any keylogger. The section details how to create an executable out of Tanit keylogger.

Deployment Usage

You need to package the source code as an executable for your target operating system (please see packaging). Please change the time interval and the email to suit your needs in Black and grey hat hackers normally use trojan horse techniques to masquerade the tool as a legitimate application so that the user will not be suspicious and would click on the file to run the application which could look like a PDF or an image or anything really. They also use techniques to make the malware undetectable by anti-viruses which you as a white hat hacker or a security specialist/student should also be familiar with.


You need the pyinstaller. You can install it via pip or pip3 or via apt package manager etc

pip install pyinstaller

A program called pyinstaller is installed in the Python directory. On Windows, it would be an executable: pyinstaller.exe

NB: Some folks have thankfully reported that pyinstaller is causing annoying problems when packaging the python files into exe. So if this is what is happening with you, kindly check other tools that create executables of Python files such as py2exe or Auto-py-to-exe or any other suitable tool. Please try first your keylogger in Python and please check that this is the exact behaviour that you are looking for before packaging the tool.

Notez Bien - Antiviruses won't be happy!!!

Please turn off any antivirus on the target system since the executable will be detected and the antivirus will try to delete or quarantine it. Antivirus evasion is addressed in the section titled 'Avoiding antiviruses'.

pyinstaller --onefile

--onefile means pyinstaller will package all the python files into a single executable

How to package and run the excutable silently i.e. without showing a terminal or console to the user

If you do not want the user to see a command prompt after the .exe is run. You can add another argument called --noconsole

pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole

This can work in almost all instances except when your Python code deals with standard input/output/error.

You have to explicitly deal with standard error and standard input so per example if we have something like (just an example)

result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True)

You need to handle the 'stderr' and 'stdin' by throwing them in the Abyss!

For Python 3

result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL )

For Python 2 (you need to import the os module)

DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True, stderr=DEVNULL, stdin=DEVNULL )

Create a Windows .exe executable out of a python project from a Linux OS

As you know to run a Windows .exe or .msi or anything similar on a Linux OS (even on Mac OS) you need a lovely program called wine. I would assume you know how to use wine and you have installed it on Linux. Go to the official Python Website and download the right Python 2.7.x msi or Python 3.x.x msi installation file. Navigate on your Linux to the directory of the download directory of this file and then run the following command: (/i is for installing):

wine msiexec /i python-2.7.14.msi

You will get a normal installation process as you would have on any MS Windows OS, please follow the instructions to install the Python interpreter. All Programs are usually installed in wine in a hidden folder called '.wine' in the Home Folder of the user. So probably your Windows Python will be installed in ~/.wine/drive_c/Python27/ and in there all the cool executables that are normally included such as python.exe, pythonw.exe etc.... Naviagate to this folder and run via wine the Python interpreter invoking pip in order for you to install as above the 'pyinstaller' module.

PS: wine does not & can not access the pip modules of the Linux OS so this why you need to do this.

cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Python27/
wine python.exe -m pip install pyinstaller

After the installation of the module terminates, you will find the pyinstalller.exe in the Scripts directory. To install pynput (why? as I have mentioned above, you need to do that even if this module is installed on Linux OS, the Windows Python interpreter needs this)

wine python.exe -m pip install pynput

You can then package Tanit Keylogger into a single executable:

wine /root/.wine/drive_c/Python27/Scripts/pyinstaller.exe --onefile --noconsole

The binary will be stored in the dist folder.

Creating a Mac OS executable of Tanit

If you are on a Mac OS, the process is the same for installing 'pyinstaller'. First install pyinstaller through latest pip - with sudo privileges. NB: it is better to update to the latest pip so to avoid errors.

sudo pip install pyinstaller

Then run pyinstaller on

pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole

The binary will be stored in the dist folder.

Creating a Linux OS executable of Tanit

The process is exactly similar. The good thing in Linux is that binaries don't get executed by just making the target user double click them, they need to be run from the terminal after chmod +x makes them executable. This is why Linux rocks, the good thing here is that it is very difficult for an experienced Linux user to be fooled. In social enginering, a white hat hacker is hired by companies these days to test not only the security of networks and systems but also in similar vein to test the gullibility of the company's clerks.


Adding the program to MS Windows registry to preserve persistance (after reboot)

One enhancement ( is made to make the program copy itself to a location that hopefully is not suspicious with a new name and to add itself to the registry of MS Windows. On Mac OS and Linux OS, this can be done but can be a little bit tricky (I will add this feature in later versions).

Masquerading the file as legitimate program a.k.a Trojan Horse Techniques

Packaging the keylogger with an image or PDF and changing the icon and spoofing the extension of the file. Most important thing is to make sure that Tanit runs silently i.e. does not show suspicious terminal or console window. I have explained how to do that before.

To trojan horse any tool, one method that is usually recommended is to use a PowerShell or batch file for per example MS Windows attacks, that plays the role of downloading the silent executable of the undetectable Tanit Keylogger and another PDF or image or whatever legitimate file from the Hacker remote server. This batch file is usually transformed to an exe and its icon is changed via tools such as bat to exe and then the file extension (.exe) is spoofed to a corresponding extension that the user trust such as .jpg, .pdf etc... Download the icons that you want from sites such as IconArchive ( Per example the PDF icon that MS Windows 10 usually shows. You can change the icon of the exe easily on Windows, Linux or MacOS: there are online tools such as this or tools such as Resource Hacker. To spoof file extensions, there are many tricks also you can employ. Have a look at these articles: 1 and 2. There is also ExtensionSpoofer.

Avoiding antiviruses

I have to mention the fact that the mere act of writing your own Hacking/Security programs with your own way of coding makes these programs unique in a way and thus undetectable and you will know why when I explain the main techniques used by antiviruses. Source Codes and by consequence executable binaries generated out of them, are always detected when they are either too traditional or have been used by many people so they ended up as a signature in Antiviruses databases. Per instance, the code here has great parts from many sources (a salad of code) and that is intentional.

Now the tricks here are really a race with time or a cat and mouse game between antiviruses and malware creators. The majority of antiviruses use a combination of the following important methods of detection. There are other next-generation anti-viruses that use more sophisticated techniques but they are still quite niche at the time of writing.

You sould be worried about the second technique when you want to evade antiviruses more than the first or third one, Why? becuase you have literally at your disposable a trillion method to make your program quite unique to fool an antivirus to think it is harmless and thus no signature would be matched in this way. This does not mean that the second technique could not be defeated.

Some source code tricks - this is a big field and an art in itself so this is just a drop from the ocean:

  1. Add useless code before, in-between (if possible) and after the malicious code. Add a lot of padding logic (useless loops, useless mathematical operations etc...)
  2. Play with sleep patterns of your Python scripts (pausing the program and resuming it, then pausing and resuming)
  3. Play with program threading like spawning threads especially useless ones per example some weird mathematical equation calculation in a seperate thread (this achieves amazing results)
  4. Add variables that are gibberish. There are some tools that transform all your variables to shorter names or gibberish. These types of tools are called 'obfuscation tools' that fool and confuse both humans and antiviruses. Black and grey hat Hackers usually change the code of the program to the point that the padding or useless behaviour should be far more sizable in your tool than the actual malicous code which should be normally scattered in different places of your program. ...

You can use FUD (Fully Undetectable) Crypting services that take your malware and then run many custom encryption routines on it obfuscating the code so to make it unrecognisable by anti-viruses. In other words, encryption is a commonly used method. There are many tools online.

Some Binaries/executable tricks:

  1. Changing the binaries and adding padding. This requires knowledge of reverse enginneering and changing hex codes. Similar to the techniques you have employed in the source code but this time on the level of the executable itself (binary file level). Changing the hex code of the .exe files per example is usually done by opening the executable in a hex editor and changing very carefully some or all of the readable sentences into something else while avoiding overwriting any usable hex code otherwise the executable will not work. This usually makes the executable bypass all known anti-viruses.
  2. Another easier way: Compressing the binaries or executables (like compressing the .exe) via tools like UPX (, a tool that compresses exe files.

Scan your .exe via tools and online services that scan your tool across different antiviruses (famous and non famous) WITHOUT submitting the results to antiviruses. One service that is quite handy is called NoDistribute (

Please after you are successfull in running your hacking tool evading antiviruses, you are bound by an ethical code of conduct and by law to submit your tool and code to antiviruses databases.

Running the keylogger after a successful backdoor attack that is undetectable by antiviruses

Tanit keylogger or any other hacking tool can be run on the victim remotely by using a backdoor. You can use an awesome tool called the Veil Framework ( Veil generates completely undetectable backdoors to hack into computers

You need a Linux preferably (by me) a Kali Linux or ParrotOS linux to create the backdoor. Veil requires a lot of libraries and packages to be installed. To install Veil on Linux, you need to clone the latest GitHub repo (very important!!!) and from the terminal you need to cd into the config directory in the repo. There is a script that will install all the libraries needed for the Veil Framework to work properly. Run the setup file. You can of course use the --silent switch to allow the framework to install in silent mode using the default settings. You can also use the --force switch which will overwrite any existing installation of Veil in case you were obliged to install the libraries and the framework again for whatever reason.

./ --silent --force

Veil is a python file that is executable. You can run it from the terminal


Make sure that you always update Veil since your aim is to evade anti-viruses. You can update Veil from inside the framework when executed.

Veil bypasses anti-viruses by encrypting, obfuscating and padding malicious code. In the different backdoor payloads that you have, you can set the reverse IP/PORT which would be the IP of the attacker. One or two antiviruses might still detect Veil on first trial. To bypass this, I strongly advice you to play around with the options of each payload until you get something completely different and thus completely undetectable. It is advisable to try different values for the options of the payload such as the number of processors, and the sleep in seconds to achieve a perfect result.

The beauty of Veil is that for the majority of occasions it generates an .exe that is completely undetectable by all known anti-viruses if you can figure out the right otions to make your backdoor quite unique from a signature-wise perspective. This is also very scary and makes you think hard. You MUST never rely on the protection of an up-to-date anti-virus even if it is considered a highly ranked product. Veil also generates a source code file of the backdoor depending on the payload language that you have chosen: go, python, lua, C, C# etc….

Two other famous powerfull tools that do the same thing as Veil framework which you might be obliged to consider in case Veil fails: The Fat Rat ( and the Empire project ( Both tools can generate undetectable backdoors for MacOS, Android, Linux OSs and MS Windows.

Scan your .exe via tools and online services that scan your tool across different antiviruses (famous and non famous) WITHOUT submitting the results to antiviruses. One service that is quite handy is called NoDistribute (

Please after you are successfull in running your hacking tool which evaded antiviruses, you are bound by an ethical code of conduct, so you are required morally and legally to submit your tool and code to antiviruses databases.


This program is licensed under MIT License - you are free to distribute, change, enhance and include any of the code of this application in your tools. I only expect adequate attribution and citation of this work. The attribution should include the title of the program, the author (me!) and the site or the document where the program is taken from.