HuthTV / BO2-Zombies-Auto-Timer

Livesplit autosplitter plugin to synchronize livesplit with bo2 zombies game time
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LiveSplit ASL script for BO2 zombies. Automatically starts, resets, and syncs timer with game time.

Game version support

[❌] Steam
[✔️] Redacted Christmas
[❌] Redacted Nightly
[✔️] Redacted LAN
[✔️] Plutonium R334
[✔️] Plutonium R353
[✔️] Plutonium R372
[❌] Plutonium Modern


  1. Right-click livesplit and select Edit Layout
  2. Add a Scriptable Auto Splitter component
    Auto Splitter
  3. In Layout Editor, point Script Path: at BOII_Auto_Timer
    Script path
  4. Make sure you are comparing against game time
    Main Timer
  5. Make sure livesplit is open before starting the game. If the timer has started, you may close and reopen livesplit while retaining game time.