Hyosssssun / currencyExchanger

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💰 Currency Exchange App

This project allows the user to exchange currency between two countries.

Click for the published web version 💻


It was created because the authors wanted to strengthen their ReactJS knowledge by learning React Native and further their technical skills by learning Tailwind CSS.

And also to collaborate for the first time and have fun together!


App demo on iPhone 12 PRO

iPhone 12 PRO


Future Goals

Our next sprint will include these improvements:

Known Bugs

Currently, the app does not allow for the exchange of two countries:

  1. Cuba - the Country and Currency library that authors use, lists the currency code as CUC (Cuban Convertible Peso). This is unfortunate because the currency is no longer used in Cuba (it is Cuban Peso (CUP) only now), therefore, the ExchangeRate API does not recognise the code and will not exchange the currency.

    This will be remedied with future releases of the app.

  2. North Korea - the ExchangeRate API does not offer exchange rate data for North Korean Won (KPW) due to sanctions and lack of any international trade. See further information here.
