HyperQuark / hyperquark

compile scratch projects to webassembly
Apache License 2.0
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Compile scratch projects to WASM



./build.sh -pVW # use -dVW for a debug build without optimisation

You may need to run chmod +x build.sh if it says it doesn't have permission.

The build script has additonal configuration options; run ./build.sh -h for info on these.

If you experience runtime stack overflow errors in debug mode, try using the -O option to enable wasm-opt.

generared WASM module memory layout

name number of bytes optional? description
redraw_requested 4 no if a redraw has been requested or not
thread_num 4 no the number of currently running threads
vars 16 * number of global & local variables yes see variables
sprite_info 80 * number of sprites (i.e. target num - 1) yes see sprite info
threads 4 * thread_num no imdices of the next step funcs of currently running threads
<!-- pen 360 * 480 * 4 = 691200 yes present if pen is used; the pen layer: 4 bytes for each rgba pixel, from left to right, top to bottom
spriteData 43(?) * number of sprites yes for each sprite (not target), 4 bytes each (1 f32 each) for: x, y, size, direction, costume number, pitch, pan,layer number; plus 1 byte each for: colour effect, ghost effect, mosaic effect, whirl effect, pixelate effect, fisheye effect, brightness effect, volume, visibility, rotation style, draggable
stageData 8 no 4 bytes each for: backdrop number; plus 1 byte each for: volume, video state, tempo, video transparency
cloneData 43(?) * 300 = 12900 yes if a create clone of () block is present, same as above, but for each clone.


Sprite info

byte type name description
0-7 f64 x x pos
8-15 f64 y y pos
16-19 f32 pen_color hue of pen (0-100)
20-23 f32 pen_saturation saturation of pen (0-100)
24-27 f32 pen_brightness value of pen (0-100)
28-31 f32 pen_transparency transparency of pen (0-100)
32-47 f32(x4) pen_color4f rgba color of pen [(0-1)x4]
48-55 f64 pen_size pen radius
56 i8 pen_down 1 if pen down else 0
57 i8 visible 1 if sprite is visible else 0
58-59 - padding reserved
60-63 i32 costume the current costume number, 0-indexed
64-71 f64 size sprite size
72-79 f64 rotation sprite rotation, in scratch angles (0 = up, 90 = right)
<!-- 56-57 ? padding padding -->


byte description
0-3 identifies the type of the variable
4-7 padding
8-15 identifies the value of the variable

Variable types

value type variable value type value description
0x00 float64 f64 a float
0x01 bool64 i64 an integer - only the least significant bit is used
0x02 externref string (64 bit) i64 wrapped to a 32 bit pointer to an externref value in the anyref table
0x03 int64 i64 a 64-bit integer

Memory layout guarantees

All values should be guaranteed to have the maximum possible alignment for that value type. Unused/padding bytes are not guaranteed to have any specific values and may be overwritten.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.