HyphenateInc / Hyphenate-Demo-Android

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Agora chat demo

This repository will help you learn how to use Agora chat SDK to implement a simple chat android application, like whatsapp or wechat.

With this sample app, you can:


Follow these steps to run the sample project:\

1. Clone the repository to your local machine.

    git clone https://github.com/HyphenateInc/Hyphenate-Demo-Android.git

2. Open the Android project with Android Studio.

3. Configure keys.

Set your appkey applied from Agora Developer Console before calling ChatClient#init().

ChatOptions options = new ChatOptions();
// Set your appkey
options.setAppKey("Your appkey");
ChatClient.getInstance().init(applicationContext, options);

For details, see the prerequisites in Agora Chat SDK Guide.

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The MIT License (MIT).