Discover Artists!
- Uses Spotify, YouTube, and Ticketmaster APIs.
- This app allows users to search for music artists and view detailed information about them.
- Search result displays artist name, profile picture, genre, top tracks, music video for top track, related events
- If an exact match isn’t found, the app will display the closest matching artist to the search term.
- Some information may not be displayed if it is not found from API.
To install and run
Set environment variables:
- Create Spotify account and login to developer site.
- Follow instruction from API documentation to see your Client ID and Client secret.
- Add the following environment variables to your operating system:
- SPOTIFY_ID : Your client ID
- SPOTIFY_SECRET : Your client secret (click 'View client secret')
- Create a YouTube account and a YouTube API key.
- Create an environment variable named YOUTUBE_API_KEY which will hold your key.
- Create a secret key
python -c 'import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex())'
- Add the generated key to an environment variable named SESSION_KEY
Create and activate a virtual environment
Install required packages - pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the application - python
App will be running on
To run tests, use this command from the root directory of the project.
python -m unittest discover tests