I-CAN-hack / automotive

Rust crate providing a variety of automotive related libraries, such as communicating with CAN interfaces and diagnostic APIs
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The Automotive Crate

crates.io docs.rs

Welcome to the automotive crate documentation. The purpose of this crate is to help you with all things automotive related. Most importantly, it provides a fully async CAN interface supporting multiple adapters.

Async CAN Example

The following adapter opens the first available adapter on the system, and then receives all frames. Note how the sent frame is awaited, which waits until the message is ACKed on the CAN bus.

use automotive::StreamExt;
async fn can_example() -> automotive::Result<()> {
    let adapter = automotive::can::get_adapter()?;
    let mut stream = adapter.recv();

    let frame = automotive::can::Frame::new(0, 0x541.into(), &[0xff; 8])?;

    while let Some(frame) = stream.next().await {
        let id: u32 = frame.id.into();
        println!("[{}]\t0x{:x}\t{}", frame.bus, id, hex::encode(frame.data));

UDS Example

The automotive crate also supplies interfaces for various diagnostic protocols such as UDS. The adapter is first wrapped to support the ISO Transport Layer, then a UDS Client is created. All methods are fully async, making it easy to communicate with multiple ECUs in parallel. See automotive#21 for progress on the supported SIDs.

 async fn uds_example() -> automotive::Result<()> {
    let adapter = automotive::can::get_adapter()?;
    let isotp = automotive::isotp::IsoTPAdapter::from_id(&adapter, 0x7a1);
    let uds = automotive::uds::UDSClient::new(&isotp);

    let response = uds.read_data_by_identifier(automotive::uds::DataIdentifier::ApplicationSoftwareIdentification as u16).await?;

    println!("Application Software Identification: {}", hex::encode(response));

CAN Adapters

The following CAN adapters are supported.

Supported CAN adapters

Known limitations / Notes

This library has some unique features that might expose (performance) issues in drivers you wouldn't otherwise notice, so check the list of known limitations below.

This library supports awaiting a sent frame and waiting for the ACK on the CAN bus. This requires receiving these ACKs from the adapter, and matching them to the appropriate sent frame. This requires some level of hardware support that is not offered by all adapters/drivers. If this is not supported by the driver, an ACK will be simulated as soon as the frame is transmitted, but this can cause issues if precise timing is needed.

Implementing a New Adapter

Implementing a new adapter is done by implementing the CanAdapter Trait. Hardware implementations can be blocking, as the AsyncCanAdapter takes care of presenting an async interface to the user. The library makes some assumptions around sending/receiving frames. These assumption are also verified by the tests in tests/adapter_tests.rs.