I2PC / xmipp

Xmipp is a suite of image processing programs, primarily aimed at single-particle 3D electron microscopy.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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cryo-em cryoem scipion

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Xmipp is a suite of image processing programs, primarily aimed at single-particle 3D electron microscopy, designed and managed by the Biocomputing Unit located in Madrid, Spain.

The Xmipp project is divided into four repositories. This is the main repository, which contains the majority of the source code for the programs, additional scripts, and tests. Three remaining repositories, XmippCore, XmippViz, and Scipion-em-xmipp, are automatically downloaded during the installation process.

Getting started

To have a complete overview about Xmipp please visit the documentation web. The recommended way for users (not developers) to install and use Xmipp is via the Scipion framework, where you can use Xmipp with other Cryo-EM-related software.

As a Scipion plugin (Recommended)

The Scipion installer should take care of all dependencies for you by default, except for CUDA. To correctly interoperate with CUDA, please visit the official installation guide of Scipion.

Once Scipion is in working order, launch the Xmipp Plugin installer with

scipion3 installp -p scipion-em-xmipp

By default this will employ all CPU cores available in the system for compilation. If this is not the desired behavior, please consider using -j <N> flag to limit the amount of CPU cores.

As a Scipion plugin with pre-installed dependencies

The former method also installs dependencies (including the compiler) though conda. If you prefer to use externally installed dependencies and avoid downloading them from conda use

scipion3 installp -p scipion-em-xmipp --noBin

scipion3 installb xmippSrc

Mind that for this command to succeed, all dependencies need to be pre-installed and findable by Xmipp. When using non-standard install directories, this needs to be indicated to Xmipp though the Scipion configuration file. See Software dependency section for further details.

Developer installation with Scipion

For developers, it becomes handy to install Xmipp in an external directory for easy integration with IDEs. By default Xmipp installer takes care of installing dependencies though conda and linking to Scipion.

The first step is to download Xmipp sources:

git clone https://github.com/I2PC/xmipp.git

cd xmipp

Then all child repositories need to be fetched, with an optional git branch parameter. For repositories where the branch does not exist, devel is utilized.

./xmipp getSources [-b branch]

Install the Scipion plugin and dependencies

scipion3 installp -p src/scipion-em-xmipp/ --devel

Compile Xmipp

scipion3 run ./xmipp

Refer to ./xmipp --help for additional info on the compilation process and possible customizations.

Integrating with Visual Studio Code

The CMake based installation script can be tightly integrated with any modern IDE. This section shows the procedure for Visual Studio Code (VSCode).

Before starting with the configuration process open a terminal and run the following commands. Anotate their outputs.

In visual studio code:

  1. In the "Extensions" tab install "C/C++ Extension Pack".
  2. File -> Open Folder -> Navigate to "xmipp" directory (previously cloned).
  3. Click "Yes, I trust the authors".
  4. File -> Save workspace as... -> Select a directory outside the Xmipp folder.
  5. Go to 5. File -> Preferences -> Configuration
  6. Select the "Workspace" tab
  7. Navigate to the "CMake Tools" section
  8. Set the following options:
    • "Cmake: Configure Args" add -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=CONDA_PREFIX (replace CONDA_PREFIX with the value obtained previously)
    • "Cmake: Configure Args" add -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=ON
    • "Cmake: Configure Environment" add: Element: Python3_ROOT_DIR Value: CONDA_PREFIX (replace CONDA_PREFIX with the value obtained previously)
    • "Cmake: Configure Environment" add: Element: SCIPION_SOFTWARE Value: SCIPION_SOFTWARE (replace SCIPION_SOFTWARE with the value obtained previousy)
    • "Cmake: Install prefix": /path-to/xmipp/dist (Absolute path)
  9. Go to the CMake tab on the left.
  10. In "Pinned commands" add "Install"

Once VS Code is set up, the Xmipp installation process can be launched though the newly pinned "Install" command. In addition, individual files or sub-projects may be compiled for quick assessment of code.

Using Xmipp

Xmipp is installed in the build directory located in the same directory where the xmipp script is located. To set all necessary environment variables and paths to all Xmipp programs, you can simply run source dist/xmipp.bashrc.

Installation requirements

Supported OS

We have tested Xmipp compilation on the following operating systems: Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 22.04, Centos 7. Visit the OS wiki page for more details.

While compilation and execution might be possible on other systems, it might not be straightforward. If you encounter a problem, please refer to known and fixed issues. Let us know if something is not working.

Hardware requirements

At least 2 processors are required to run Xmipp. In some virtual machine tools only one is assigned, please check that at least two processors are assigned to the virtual machine

Software dependencies

Note that these dependencies are installed by default though conda (except for CUDA). Only install them externally when required.


Xmipp requires C++17 compatible compiler (see table below for minimum versions). We have had good experience with using GCC. Clang is mostly untested. Mind that when compiling with CUDA, a compatible compiler must be installed and findable (although it may not be used for non-CUDA sources) for Xmipp.

Compiler Minumum version
GCC 8.4
Clang 5.0


Xmipp requires CMake 3.17 or above. To update it please visit the dedicated section in the Wiki.


Xmipp supports CUDA 10.2 through 12.2. CUDA is optional but highly recommended. We recommend you to use the newest version available for your operating system. Some Xmipp programs are only compiled if CUDA 11 is available. Pay attention to the compiler - CUDA compatibility.

To install CUDA for your operating system, follow the official install guide.

Installing dependencies via apt

sudo apt install -y libfftw3-dev libopenmpi-dev libhdf5-dev python3-numpy python3-dev libtiff5-dev libjpeg-dev libsqlite3-dev default-jdk git cmake gcc-10 g++-10

Installing dependencies via yum

Note: For HDF5 to be available Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository needs to be activated in certain distros with yum install epel-release

Note: On CentOS-7 the gcc available by default is not compatible with Xmipp. You can enable newer gcc releases using:

yum install centos-release-scl

yum install devtoolset-10

scl enable devtoolset-10 bash

yum install python3-devel python3-numpy fftw-devel openmpi-devel hdf5-devel sqlite-devel libtiff-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel java-17-openjdk-devel git cmake gcc g++

That's all

If you miss some feature or find a bug, please create an issue and we will have a look at it, you can also contact us by xmipp@cnb.csic.es. For more details, troubleshootings and information visit the wiki page.

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