IABTechLab / uid2-operator

Apache License 2.0
11 stars 16 forks source link

UID2 Operator

The UID 2 Project is subject to Tech Lab IPR’s Policy and is managed by the IAB Tech Lab Addressability Working Group and Privacy & Rearc Commit Group. Please review the governance rules here


To run unit tests:

mvn clean test

To package application:

mvn package

To run application:

mvn clean compile exec:java -Dvertx-config-path=conf/local-config.json
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dvertx-config-path=conf/integ-config.json

Local deployment/testing on Docker

  1. In Dockerfile, change the line
    COPY ./conf/default-config.json /app/conf/


    COPY ./conf/docker-config.json /app/conf/local-config.json
  2. Run mvn package
  3. Go to pom.xml and find the version wrapped under <version> tag
  4. Run docker build -t uid2-operator --build-arg JAR_VERSION={version you find in step 3} .
  5. Run docker run -it -p 8080:8080 uid2-operator:latest
  6. Go to postman and test on endpoint http://localhost:8080/v1/token/generate?email=exampleuser4@test.uidapi.com

Running vulnerability scanning locally

The Github actions will run Trivy for vulnerability scanning as part of the build-and-test and publish-docker pipelines. However, they can also be run locally to aid in resolving these. Trivy only runs on Linux, so you will need to install WSL.


Once WSL is installed, follow these instructions:


Once installed to check the code only (which is what the build-and-test pipeline does), run this command from the root directory:

wsl trivy fs .

To check the docker image (which is what the publish-docker pipeline does), build the docker image as outlined above and then run this command:

wsl trivy image <image reference>

where <image reference> is the built docker image you want to scan (uid2-latest in the example above).