IAEA-NDS / endf-parserpy

Python package for reading, writing, verifying and translating ENDF-6 formatted files
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endf-parserpy - an ENDF-6 toolkit for Python

endf-parserpy is a Python package for reading and writing ENDF-6 files. This functionality in combination with Python's powerful facilities for data handling enables you to perform various actions on ENDF-6 files, such as:

The support for the ENDF-6 format is comprehensive. The package has been tested on the various sublibraries of the major nuclear data libraries, such as ENDF/B, JEFF, and JENDL. Note that the package does not support several materials in a single ENDF-6 file.

Install endf-parserpy

This package is available on the Python Package Index and can be installed using pip:

pip install endf-parserpy


The documentation is available online @readthedocs.

Simple example

The following code snippet demonstrates how to read an ENDF-6 file, change the AWR variable in the MF3/MT1 section and write the modified data to a new ENDF-6 file:

from endf_parserpy import EndfParser
parser = EndfParser()
endf_dict = parser.parsefile('input.endf')
endf_dict[3][1]['AWR'] = 99.99
parser.writefile('output.endf', endf_dict)


If you want to cite this package, please use the following reference:

G. Schnabel, D. L. Aldama, R. Capote, "How to explain ENDF-6 to computers: A formal ENDF format description language", arXiv:2312.08249, DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2312.08249


This code is distributed under the MIT license augmented by an IAEA clause, see the accompanying license file for more information.

Copyright (c) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)


Daniel Lopez Aldama made significant contributions to the development of this package. He debugged the ENDF-6 recipe files and helped in numerous discussions to convey a good understanding of the technical details of the ENDF-6 format that enabled the creation of this package.