IATI / IATI-Datastore

An open-source datastore for IATI data with RESTful web API providing XML, JSON, CSV plus ETL tools
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data database iati postgres redis xml


IATI-Datastore is Deprecated

Full Announcement

Important: Deprecation of old Datastore and Public Validator - 22 March 2021

As previously announced, the new IATI Datastore and Validator replace the old Datastore CSV Query Builder, API and Public Validator. These older versions will be deprecated on Monday 22 March 2021 and after this date, users will no longer be able to access these services.

For any questions or support to transition to using the new Datastore and Validator, please email the IATI Secretariat: support@iatistandard.org.

For the new version (as of 22 September 2020) of the Datastore check here:

IATI Datastore

Build Status Coverage Status Code Health License: MIT


The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) aims to make information about aid spending easier to access. To this end, we publish the IATI standard and keep a registry of data in that form.

The IATI Datastore is provided to help users of IATI's data access the extracts they are interested in. A public instance is available here:



You will need Redis, Postgres, python, pip and develpment libraries (for libpq, libxml2 and libxslt) to run the full setup. For example, on Ubuntu:

sudo aptitude install postgresql redis-server python-pip libpq-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libevent-dev python-dev

Installing for development

# Clone the source
git clone https://github.com/IATI/IATI-Datastore.git

# Install development dependencies
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

# Run the tests  (these tests use an in-memory sqlite db)
nosetests iati_datastore

# Create a new PostgreSQL database
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE iati_datastore"

# Set an environment variable for `DATABASE_URL` linking to the database created
export DATABASE_URL=postgres:///iati_datastore

# Create the db tables
iati create_database

# Note: To create the tables the new database may need access privileges granted to your system user
# See http://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/117109/how-to-manage-default-privileges-for-users-on-a-database-vs-schema/117661#117661
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER [SYSTEM USER]"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "GRANT ALL ON DATABASE iati_datastore TO [SYSTEM USER]"

# Start the process of grabbing the source data
iati crawl update

# Start a development server – this should be run in a seperate terminal window
iati runserver

# Run a worker. This will download and index the datafiles
iati queue background

# The progess of the worker can be checked using:
iati crawl status

# A local API is available at:

Deploying with apache

Updating activities after changing import code