IATI / ckanext-iati

CKAN extension for the IATI Registry
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Activity Stream misattributes some actions to the user when the action was performed by a sysadmin user #418

Open robredpath opened 7 months ago

robredpath commented 7 months ago

Brief Description

Updates by sysadmin users to other users' accounts show as having been carried out by the other user in Activity Stream.

Severity Medium

Issue Location https://iatiregistry.org/user/activity/$user

Steps to Reproduce

Note that although this example is a profile update, we have observed this for dataset updates as well.

Expected Results/Behaviour

That updates shown on Activity Stream are attributed to the user who carried them out

Actual Results/Behaviour

That updates shown on Activity Stream are attributed to the user whose account "owns" the relevant resource.

cormachallinanderilinx commented 6 months ago

estimate 2-3 days