IATI / ckanext-iati

CKAN extension for the IATI Registry
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International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) Registry Extension for CKAN

.. image:: https://api.travis-ci.org/ViderumGlobal/ckanext-iati.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/ViderumGlobal/ckanext-iati


The current version of ckanext-iati has been developed and tested again CKAN 2.9.1. We assume a running CKAN 2.9.1 instance.

The installation has the following steps, assuming you have a running copy of CKAN:

. Install the extension from its source repository::

(pyenv) $ pip install -e git+https://github.com/IATI/ckanext-iati#egg=ckanext-iati

. Install dependencies::

(pyenv) $ pip install -r ckanext-iati/pip-requirements.txt

Set up the configuration options as described in the Configuration_ section.

Migrating from the old Registry version

The previous version of the registry run on CKAN 1.5.1. To upgrade the database follow the following steps:

. Backup the CKAN 1.5.1 database

. Run the normal update command::

(pyenv) $ cd ckan
(pyenv) $ paster db upgrade

. Run the SQL script to transform Groups to Organizations::

sudo -u postgres psql -f ckanext-iati/scripts/groups_to_orgs.sql

. Edit the users_to_members.py script with a suitable API key and run it

to create members for the migrated organizations::

(pyenv) $ python ckanext-iati/scripts/users_to_members.py

. Run a final SQL script to cleanup the database (may take a long time)::

sudo -u postgres psql -f ckanext-iati/scripts/cleanup_db.sql


Create a sysadmin user called iati-archiver and note down its API key, you will need to add it to the ini file::

(pyenv) $ cd ckan (pyenv) $ paster sysadmin add iati-archiver

These are the configuration options used by the extension (generic options like ckan.site_id, solr_url, etc are not included)::

# Load only these four plugins
ckan.plugins = iati_publishers iati_datasets iati_theme iati_csv

# Needed for the search facets to be displayed properly until #599 is
# fixed on CKAN core

# File preview service URL and CSV export service URL.
# If these are commented out, the links won't appear in the frontend
iati.preview_service = http://tools.aidinfolabs.org/showmydata/index.php?url=%s
iati.csv_service = http://tools.aidinfolabs.org/csv/direct_from_registry/?xml=%s

# User name and API key for the iati-archiver sysadmin user

# Google Analytics id to be used when inserting the code
# If this option is commented out, the code won't be added to the frontend

# Email settings
# Make sure smtp_server is properly setted (normally to localhost) the rest
# of the defaults should be good enough:

# Address from where the email notifactions are sent, default is 'no-reply@iatiregistry.org'

# Subject of the email sent to publishers when activated, default is 'IATI Registry Publisher Activation'

# Allowed values for the IATI Standard Version (iati_version) field, default is '1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 2.01 2.02 2.03'

# Set a user agent string used by ckanext-archiver when making requests
ckanext.archiver.user_agent_string = "IATI (CKAN)"

To ensure that the logging for the archiver works fine and prevent permissions problems, use the following logging configuration::

## Logging configuration
keys = root, ckan, ckanext, iati_archiver

keys = console

keys = generic

level = WARNING
handlers = console

level = INFO
handlers = console
qualname = ckan
propagate = 0

level = INFO
handlers = console
qualname = ckanext
propagate = 0

level = DEBUG
handlers = console
qualname = iati_archiver
propagate = 0

class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stderr,)
level = NOTSET
formatter = generic

format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s

To set up the Daily archiver and issue checker_, you need to create a cron job that calls the command once a day. See the dedicated section for details.

General workflow

The registry holds Datasets for aid spending data following the IATI Standard_. Each CKAN dataset has a single resource, an IATI XML file, which can be of type 'activity' or 'organisation'.

Datasets are created by Publishers, implemented with Organizations in CKAN.

Everyone can register as a User on the registry, and create a Publisher. When a publisher is created, it is set with a state of 'pending', and an email is sent to site administrators (all sysadmins).

Sysadmins can change the state of the Publishers to 'active' to approve it or 'deleted' to disapprove it. Once the Publisher is activated, the user that created it gets an email notification and from that moment they can create datasets.

Datasets can be created or updated via:

  1. The web form
  2. The CSV Importer / Exporter_
  3. Third party apps that use the API (eg AidStream_)

.. IATI Standard: http://iatistandard.org .. AidStream: http://aidstream.org

Main customizations

All different plugins are located in ckanext/iati/plugins.py.

Theme +++++

Custom theme based on a design provided by the client. The main changes are the organization listing page, the search facets as dropdown in the main search page, the dataset page and the datasets listings.

Custom Organizations schema +++++++++++++++++++++++++++

A number of fields are added to the default group schema in CKAN to store extra metadata about the publishers, using IGroupForm (see the IatiPublishers plugin).

Note that this is not as polished as IDatasetForm, so we still need for instance to manually set up the /publisher routes to point to the group controller. This causes problems sometimes, as the redirects lose the query parameters (or also see eg the publishers_pagination helper function).

Custom Dataset schema +++++++++++++++++++++

Datasets have also custom fields which are stored as extras (see the IatiDatasets plugin). Datasets also inherit fields from the Publisher they belong to (the ones starting with publisher_. This is done on the after_show hook.

The before_index hook is also used to index the human readable form for the facets.

There is a slightly modified auth function for package_create that checks that the org they user belongs to is active.

Email notifications +++++++++++++++++++

Emails notifications are sent:

The code to actual send the emails is in ckanext/iati/emailer.py

CSV Importer / Exporter +++++++++++++++++++++++

Users can download all metadata for the datasets they have permissions on (ie the ones of their publisher) in a CSV file.

Once updated, the file can be reuploaded and new datasets will be created or existing ones updated.

The code that handles this is in ckanext-iati/ckanext/iati/controllers/spreadsheet.py

Daily archiver and issue checker ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

A script runs every night in order to download all files, check if they have changed and extract some metadata from the actual contents. It also checks for issues like missing files, wrong formats, etc.

If the contents of the file have changed, the new fields are stored as extras (right now these are number of activities activity_count and last modified date for the data data_updated). The file size is also updated.

Issues are stored as extras as well with three different fields: issue_type, issue_description and issue_date. These are later used to display the issue on the frontend, as well as a filter to find out which datasets have issues on the search page.

There is also an Issue Report for sysadmins that downloads a CSV listing all issues for all datasets (accessible at /report/issues).

To run the archiver manually for all datasets, run the following command (it will take a long time)::

cd ckanext-iati
(pyenv) $ paster iati-archiver update -c ../ckan/development.ini

To run it just on a particular dataset::

(pyenv) $ paster iati-archiver update {dataset-name} -c ../ckan/development.ini

To run it on all datasets for a particular publisher::

(pyenv) $ paster iati-archiver update -p {publisher-name} -c ../ckan/development.ini

On a production or staging server you would want to set it up as cron job that runs the command once a day (eg 5 minutes after midnight ). Add the following to the relevant user crontab (generally okfn)::

05 00  *   *   *  /usr/lib/ckan/iati/bin/paster --plugin=ckanext-iati iati-archiver update -c /etc/ckan/iati/production.ini >> /tmp/iati_archiver_2_out.log 2>&1

Nightly cronjobs runtimes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Documenting cronjob running times for future reference:

*Times are UTC.

GitHub Repository - Production Code ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Repo: https://github.com/IATI/ckanext-iati Branch: master

Copying and License

This material is copyright (c) 2010-2013 Open Knowledge Foundation.

It is open and licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) v3.0 whose full text may be found at:


This extension uses the TableSorter jQuery plugin by Christian Bach, released under the MIT license.

.. TableSorter: http://tablesorter.com .. MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php