IATI / ckanext-iati

CKAN extension for the IATI Registry
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Some CSV files have Python's bytes literal marker in the contents of the field #430

Closed simon-20 closed 5 months ago

simon-20 commented 5 months ago

Brief Description Some fields in some CSV files on the Registry are enclosed in Python's bytes literal marker, b'', so that these fields appear as, e.g., b'actual field contents here'.

Severity High

Issue Location Files affected:

The list of publishers: https://iatiregistry.org/publisher/download/csv

The title field (maybe others) of the downloadable list of records for each publisher: https://iatiregistry.org/csv/download

And perhaps others.

Steps to Reproduce Download the file.

Expected Results/Behaviour Fields should not be enclosed in b''

simon-20 commented 5 months ago

A result of https://github.com/IATI/ckanext-iati/pull/420?

cormachallinanderilinx commented 5 months ago

A fix has been pushed to production. Please let me know if there are any more issues

simon-20 commented 5 months ago

Closing, as the problem with the files mentioned above looks to be fixed.