IATI / ckanext-iati

CKAN extension for the IATI Registry
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dashboard_activity_list endpoint 504ing for one user #456

Open robredpath opened 1 month ago

robredpath commented 1 month ago

Placeholder issue to ensure visibility of this work; as this only affects one user (as far as we know) we don't want to share specific details in public.

I've emailed details to @cormachallinanderilinx .

robredpath commented 1 month ago

Update after some discussion via email: this is due to the user in question having hundreds of activities on their dashboard, causing the query to time out. This is an issue with core CKAN. @cormachallinanderilinx is discussing with @EricSoroos to determine the scale of a potential fix.

cormachallinanderilinx commented 3 weeks ago

@robredpath we have a patch we are going to test out and see if gives us a performance improvement

cormachallinanderilinx commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @robredpath the patch is on applied on staging Do you have access to their staging account and want to test it out there? Or are you happy for me to push it onto production?

cormachallinanderilinx commented 3 weeks ago


As discussed I tested this on staging and it took 4s with the patch Without the patch it was taking 33s Its not the same as production but its a significant increase, I think we should push it onto production at least?

robredpath commented 3 weeks ago

@cormachallinanderilinx great - as long as there's no risk of unintended consequences then let's do it

cormachallinanderilinx commented 1 week ago

@robredpath The fixed was put onto staging last week, do you know if this has improved things?