MotionEyeOS Add-On Scripts for Push Notifications (via Pushover) as well as ANPR/ALPR (via OpenALPR)
The "Basic" folder contains scripts that are, well, basic. They are pretty much self contained, and by editing the file with a text editor, most people (including relative novices) should be able to get them working for their needs. The catch of course, if you were using multiple cameras on a single Pi device, you would need multiple copies of each script, modified to for each camera so to speak. That's where there the Advanced folder comes in...
These scripts are less novice friendly, but are built to parse command line arguments, meaning all options parsed with the command line. For example: python --arg1 --arg2 --arg3 and so on. This has the benefit of MUCH neater code, as well as being able to use the same script for multiple cameras, simply by parsing different arguments.
Images used in some of the scripts