IAmPhoenix / Minecraft-Protocol

Minecraft Protocol for 1.6 - 1.7
16 stars 5 forks source link

Minecraft Protocol

Minecraft-Protocol is a PHP script based of the source code from http://minecraft-api.com/

Setup Guide

Comming soon..


If you don't care for caching data and just want a fresh result every time, you could use the code in the example below, however it's recommended that you use this instead.


  require_once ('../classes/MinecraftAPI.php');

  $MinecraftAPI = new MinecraftAPI(null, 'localhost');
  $MinecraftAPI->ping( );

  if( $MinecraftAPI->error != null ) {
    $error['error'] = $MinecraftAPI->error;
    die( json_encode( $error, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ) );

  if( !$MinecraftAPI->mc_status ) {
    $error['error'] = 'Failed to connect to ' . str_replace( '-', ':', $MinecraftAPI->getServer() );
    die( json_encode( $error, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ) );

  $output['status'] = $MinecraftAPI->mc_status;
  $output['players']['online'] = $MinecraftAPI->mc_playersOnline;
  $output['players']['max'] = $MinecraftAPI->mc_playersLimit;
  $output['motd'] = $MinecraftAPI->mc_motd;
  $output['version'] = $MinecraftAPI->mc_version;
  $output['latency'] = $MinecraftAPI->mc_latency;

  $response = json_encode( $output, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT );


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To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/