Use this project to set up Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 on IBM Cloud, using Terraform.
Deployment of 'OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Cloud' is divided into separate steps.
Step 1: Provision the infrastructure on IBM Cloud
Use Terraform to provision the compute, storage, network, load balancers & IAM resources on IBM Cloud Infrastructure
Step 2: Deploy OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Cloud
Install OpenShift Container Platform which is done using the Ansible playbooks - available in the project.
During this phase the router and registry are deployed.
Step 3: Post deployment activities
Validate the deployment
The following figure illustrates the deployment architecture for the 'OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Cloud'.
Docker image for the Terraform & IBM Cloud Provider
IBM Cloud account (used to provision resources on IBM Cloud Infrastructure or SoftLayer)
RedHat Account with openshift subscription.
Get the latest ibmcloud terraform provider image using the following command:
# Pull the docker image
$ docker pull ibmterraform/terraform-provider-ibm-docker
Bring up the container using the docker image using the following command:
# Run the container
$ docker run -it ibmterraform/terraform-provider-ibm-docker:latest
Install ssh package
# Install ssh package
$ apk add --no-cache openssh
Clone the repo IBM Terraform Openshift
# Clone the repo
$ git clone
$ cd terraform-ibm-openshift/
Generate the private and public key pair which is required to provision the virtual machines in softlayer.(Put the private key inside ~/.ssh/id_rsa).Follow the instruction here to generate ssh key pair
Update file
Provision the infrastructure using the following command
$ make rhn_username=<rhn_username> rhn_password=<rhn_password> infrastructure
Please provide softlayer username , password and ssh public key to proceed.
In this version, the following infrastructure elements are provisioned for OpenShift (as illustrated in the picture)
On successful completion, you will see the following message
Apply complete! Resources: 63 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
Install the repos and images by running :
$ make rhn_username=<rhn_username> rhn_password=<rhn_password> pool_id=<pool_id> rhnregister
This step includes the following:
To install OpenShift on the cluster, just run:
$ make openshift
This step includes the following:
using installation procedure described here.
Once the setup is complete, just run:
$ open https://$(terraform output master_public_ip):8443/console
Note: Add IP and Host Entry in /etc/hosts
This figure illustrates the 'Red Hat Openshift Console'
To open a browser to admin console, use the following credentials to login:
Username: admin
Password: test123
Login to the master node
$ ssh -t -A root@$(terraform output master_public_ip)
Default project is in use and the core infrastructure components (router etc) are available.
Login to openshift client by running
$ oc login https://$(terraform output master_public_ip):8443
Provide username as admin and password as test123 to login to the openshift client.
Create new project
$ oc new-project test
Deploy the app
$ oc new-app --name=nginx --docker-image=bitnami/nginx
Expose the service
$ oc expose svc/nginx
Edit the service to use nodePort by changing type as NodePort
$ oc edit svc/nginx
Access the deployed application at
$ oc get routes
{HOST/PORT} get the value from above command
Access the deployed application at http${HOST/PORT}
Run make nodeprivate
to block all incoming traffic on public interface, to the infra nodes and app nodes
Run make nodepublic
to allow all incoming traffic on public interface, to the infra nodes and app nodes
Bring down the openshift cluster by running following
$ make destroy
[Work in Progress] - Inspiration for this project - Terraform Provider for IBM Cloud