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This repository is the companion to the blog post Use IBM Code Engine to push IBM VPC Flow Logs to IBM Log Analysis for analysis
Flow logs for VPC persists a digest of network traffic in a Virtual Private Clouds (VPC) in a Cloud Object Storage (COS) bucket.
Code Engine can be extended by integrating with Cloud Object Storage (COS). The COS trigger type lets you run custom code logic when a new object is stored, updated, or deleted from a designated bucket in COS.
This project shows how use a Code Engine notification to start the excecution of a Code Engine job which will read a flow log COS object and write it to IBM log analysis.
If you do not have a vpc use the scripts below to create a vpc, COS bucket, logging service instance. The script also creates a file.
# create a demo.env file with some terraform variables tht suite your taste
cp template.demo.env demo.env
edit demo.env
source demo.env
# verify prerequisites
# execute terraform and create a file
# take a look at the file and note that it contains a logdna ingestion key secret - keep the file safe
If you already have a vpc you have a couple of options
If your vpc was created with terraform add the terraform module as described in
make make sure that it has been configured with flowlogs and you know the details of the bucket containing the flowlogs, and a Logging service instance and ingestion key.
To find the bucket navigate to the Resources view and in the Storage section open your Cloud Object Storage instance. Open the Bucket and then open the Configuration and find the Direct endpoint and the Bucket instance CRN
To find the LOGDNA constants visit Observability Logging and click on your logging instance. The region is a string like "us-south". Click Actions, click view Ingestion key
Create the file with your fingers:
# read the comments in the file and configure variables to match your COS bucket and logdna configuration
The file has a few more configuration variables that typically do not require edits. Open the file in an editor and verify.
The script will verify that some of the configuration has been successfully completed (it could use some more work)
The script will create resources as shown in the diagram above:
All this was configured based on the contents of the two files:
If you want to walk more slowly through the source code or make your own Docker image go to Development below. Otherwise continue:
ibmcloud login
In the ibm cloud console visit Observability Logging and click on your logging instance. Then click on Open Dashboard to open the actual logs. You should start to see VPC flow logs in about 10 minutes.
If you do not see the logs check out Troubleshooting below
To destroy the code engine project, the logging instance, service id and authorization:
If you created the demo VPC, COS instance and bucket:
This section is for those that want to dig deeper into the source code or debug
The python scripts in the job/ directory require some configuration variables. The scripts below will create the code engine project but not the code engine job. The code engine configmap and secrets will also be created and are needed to test the python code.
./ basics; # project, configmap and secrets
./; # make python.ini with configuration including secrets for running locally
Set up your python 3.9 environment. I use a virtual python environment on my laptop.
$ python --version
Python 3.9.6
Python source code is in the job/ directory
cd job
pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
The python script ./ can be executed to find a key in the cos bucket and send it to logdna. You can make some changes to this file to test different scenarios.
Create a docker image on your desktop and push it to docker hub.
Work in the job/ directory:
cd job
The scripts use the configuration file:
grep DOCKER ../
You must use your own docker repository in docker hub. Change the environment variable in the file and export it into your environment:
# change DOCKER_IMAGE=YourRepository/flowlog:1.0
edit ../
# actually export it into your current shell environment to allow the Makefile to work
grep DOCKER ../
export DOCKER_IMAGE=YourRepository/flowlog:1.0
# now export DOCKER_IMAGE into your shell environment:
export DOCKER_IMAGE=YourRepository/flowlog:1.0
A makefile will build it for you, if you do not have make available type the commands in the Makefile with your fingers.
make docker-build
make docker-push
Deploy using your own docker image. The script is smart enough to update the resources that were created earlier if they exist:
This section explains how to send the objects previously created to logdna. The steps above log the new flow logs as they are written, but you may have a bucket full of old flow logs that you want to analize.
Create the basic code engine project and environment then create a job:
./ basic
./ job
Check out the job in the IBM cloud console in the Code Engine Projects
Before creating the job it can be helpful to deploy a platform logging instance in the same region as the code engine job.
After completing the previous step to capture the existing flow logs turn on subscriptions to get the new ones.
The subscription will call the job each time flowlog puts an object into the bucket:
./ job subscription
To troubleshoot problems start in the IBM cloud console in the Code Engine Projects