IBM / blockchainbean2

This code pattern shows how to model a supply-chain network using the IBM Blockchain Platform and is based on a collaboration with Brooklyn Roasting Company. The story, along with the supply-chain documents that were used to model this network, can be found at: Note that the 'view the blockchain' button is being migrated''
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Create a fair trade supply network with Hyperledger Fabric and IBM Blockchain Platform V2

This code pattern is based on a recent proof-of-concept developed in collaboration with a coffee roasting company that was nice enough to let us use their supply-chain documents. The finished product of this code pattern is a cloud-based blockchain API, that any other UI app can call. An example UI app that leverages our blockchain API can be found in the screenshots below.

Each cup has a history based on which batch of coffee was used make the cup, which you can see below. Additionally, you can see other details such as who poured the cup, at what time the cup was poured, which type of beans were used, etc. For example, a sample cup 'NJB123' for the result shown below.


In this code pattern we will create a blockchain app that increases visibility and efficiency in the supply chain of a coffee retailer using IBM Blockchain Platform V2 Beta. We will use different transactions to show different possible actions for the different participants in the supply chain. This sample application will record all transactions on the IBM Blockchain Platform V2 Beta, and enable a coffee retailer to ensure the customer that their coffee is organic and fair-trade. The code pattern can be useful to developers that are looking into learning more about creating applications that integrate supply chains with Hyperledger Fabric.

When the reader has completed this code pattern, they will understand how to:

Flow Diagram

Flow Description

  1. The blockchain operator sets up the IBM Blockchain Platform 2.0 service.
  2. The IBM Blockchain Platform 2.0 creates a Hyperledger Fabric network on an IBM Kubernetes Service, and the operator installs and instantiates the smart contract on the network.
  3. The Node.js application server uses the Fabric SDK to interact with the deployed network on IBM Blockchain Platform 2.0 and creates APIs for a web client.
  4. The Loopback 4 client uses the Node.js application API to interact with the network.
  5. The user interacts with the Loopback 4 web interface to update and query the blockchain ledger and state.

Included components

Featured technologies

Watch the Video - Create a fair trade supply network with Hyperledger Fabric 1.4 (Cloud)

Watch the Video - Create a fair trade supply network with Hyperledger Fabric 1.4 (Local)


This pattern assumes you have an IBM Cloud account, VSCode and IBM Blockchain Platform Extension for VSCode installed

Steps (Cloud Deployment)

To run a local network, you can find steps here.

  1. Clone the Repo
  2. Install Dependencies
  3. Package Contract
  4. Create IBM Cloud services
  5. Build a network
  6. Deploy blockchainbean2 Smart Contract on the network
  7. Connect application to the network
  8. Run the application

Step 1. Clone the Repo

Git clone this repo onto your computer in the destination of your choice, then go into the web-app folder:

HoreaPorutiu$ git clone

Navigate to the web-app directory:

HoreaPorutiu$ cd blockchainbean2/web-app

Step 2. Install Dependencies

Install required dependencies using NPM:

web-app$ npm install --ignore-scripts

Step 3. Package Contract

packageFile Right-click under your folders in your workspace area and then click Add Folder to Workspace and then highlight the blockchainbean/lib directory as shown in the picture below, and then click on add:


Next, we have to package the smart contract. Click on the F1 button on your keyboard, which will bring up the VSCode command palette. From there, navigate and click on Package a Smart Contract Project. packageFile

Next, the extension will ask the following question:

 Choose a workspace folder to package

Click on the lib folder - note we do not want to package our client (i.e. our web-app directory).


If all went well, you should see the following.


Note that this .cds file is extremely important if we want to run our smart contract on the cloud.

Step 4. Create IBM Cloud services

Step 5. Build a network

We will build a network as provided by the IBM Blockchain Platform documentation. This will include creating a channel with a single peer organization with its own MSP and CA (Certificate Authority), and an orderer organization with its own MSP and CA. We will create the respective identities to deploy peers and operate nodes.

Create your organization and your entry point to your blockchain

Create the node that orders transactions

Create and join channel

Step 6. Deploy Blockchainbean2 Smart Contract on the network

Step 7. Connect application to the network

the current default setup is to connect to a local fabric instance from VS Code

    "connection_file": "ibpConnection.json",
    "appAdmin": "app-admin",
    "appAdminSecret": "app-adminpw",
    "orgMSPID": "org1msp",
    "caName": "",
    "userName": "user1",
    "gatewayDiscovery": { "enabled": true, "asLocalhost": false }

Step 8. Run the application

You can find the app running at http://localhost:8080/explorer If all goes well, you should see something like the picture below:

packageFile To get started submitting our first transaction on the network, we can update the ledger with some of our suppliers info, such as their address, their uniqueId, and their organization. To do this, first click on GrowerController. You should see the Controller expand with the GET/POST methods. Click on the green POST/Grower button and then Try it out to the right of the POST/Grower button. This will enable you to write in a request body. Go ahead and copy and paste the following JSON in to the request body. P.S. (I have made all the commands available in the commands.txt file).

  "$class": "",
  "isFairTrade": true,
  "growerId": "Grower-0201",
  "organization": "Ethiopia Gedeb 1 Banko Gotiti GrainPro",
  "address": {
    "$class": "",
    "city": "Gedeb",
    "country": "Ethiopia",
    "street": "N/A",
    "zip": "N/A"

Then click the blue Execute button under the request body. If all goes well, you should see something similar to the image below:


If all went well, you can now go into your blockchain network, click on the channel, and then you should see the block height increased, and if you click on the last block, you should see the latest JSON that we inputted being written to the blockchain. Note: The gif shows how to get to your channel and transaction overview. Your transaction data should be different - it should show updating the ledger with the information of Grower-0201.

The rest of the commands for uploading supply chain documents can be found here.

Bonus Step - Deploy your local app to the Cloud

If you want to keep your application running all the time, you'll want to deploy it to the cloud.

To do this, please follow the guide here:


So yes! Go ahead and run the /POST transactions as shown in these steps, and everything will be stored on the IBM Blockchain Platform. So now, you are officially done with this tutorial. So what did you learn?

So at this point, you know more than me! Hopefully you feel pretty good at this point, and can dive a bit deeper into other, more complex topics, such as how to scale your network, how to optimize performance, etc. But for now, you know all of the basics to run a supply chain network on Hyperledger Fabric, both locally, and on the Cloud.


And when you create the cool new startup unicorn after learning a bunch from this tutorial, don't forget to give me, or IBM Developer some credit :)


If you are getting errors with your IBM Blockchain VSCode extension, ensure you have all prerequisites installed here:

Related Links


This code pattern is licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2. Separate third-party code objects invoked within this code pattern are licensed by their respective providers pursuant to their own separate licenses. Contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin, Version 1.1 (DCO) and the Apache Software License, Version 2.

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