IBM / build-blockchain-insurance-app

Sample insurance application using Hyperledger Fabric
Apache License 2.0
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blockchain blockchain-technology docker docker-compose hyperledger-fabric ibmcode

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Build Blockchain Insurance Application

This project showcases the use of blockchain in insurance domain for claim processing. In this application, we have four participants, namely insurance, police, repair shop and the shop. Furthermore, each participant will own its own peer node. The insurance peer is the insurance company providing the insurance for the products and it is responsible for processing the claims. Police peer is responsible for verifying the theft claims. Repair shop peer is responsible for repairs of the product while shop peer sells the products to consumer. The value of running this network on the IBM Blockchain Platform is that you can easily customize the network infrastructure as needed, whether that is the location of the nodes, the CPU and RAM of the hardware, the endorsement policy needed to reach consensus, or adding new organizations and members to the network.

Note: This code pattern can either be run locally, or connected to the IBM Blockchain Platform. If you only care about running this pattern locally, please find the local instructions here.

Audience level : Intermediate Developers

When the reader has completed this code pattern, they will understand how to:

Application Workflow Diagram


  1. The blockchain operator creates a IBM Kubernetes Service cluster (32CPU, 32RAM, 3 workers recommended) and an IBM Blockchain Platform 2.0 service.
  2. The IBM Blockchain Platform 2.0 creates a Hyperledger Fabric network on an IBM Kubernetes Service, and the operator installs and instantiates the smart contract on the network.
  3. The Node.js application server uses the Fabric SDK to interact with the deployed network on IBM Blockchain Platform 2.0.
  4. The React UI uses the Node.js application API to interact and submit transactions to the network.
  5. The user interacts with the insurance application web interface to update and query the blockchain ledger and state.

Included Components

Featured technologies

Watch the Video - Multiple Organization and Multiple Peer App Demo #1 - Intro

Watch the Video - IBM Blockchain Tutorial: Multiple Organization and Multiple Peer App Demo #2 - Build Nodes

Watch the Video - Multiple Organization and Multiple Peer App Demo #1 - Intro


We find that Blockchain can be finicky when it comes to installing Node. We want to share this StackOverflow response - because many times the errors you see with Compose are derived in having installed either the wrong Node version or took an approach that is not supported by Compose:


Steps (Local Network)

To run a local network, you can find steps here

Steps (Cloud Network)

  1. Create IBM Cloud services
  2. Build a network - Certificate Authority
  3. Build a network - Create MSP Definitions
  4. Build a network - Create Peers
  5. Build a network - Create Orderer
  6. Build a network - Create and Join Channel
  7. Deploy Insurance Smart Contract on the network
  8. Connect application to the network
  9. Enroll App Admin Identities
  10. Run the application

Important Note: This pattern is more advanced because it uses four organizations. For this reason, you will likely have to get a paid kubernetes cluster to run this pattern on the cloud, since a free cluster will not have the CPU/storage necessary to deploy all of the pods that we need to run this pattern. There are other patterns that leverage a free Kubernetes cluster (and only two organizations), so if you want to try that one out first, go here.

Step 1. Create IBM Cloud services

Step 2. Build a network - Certificate Authority

We will build a network as provided by the IBM Blockchain Platform documentation. This will include creating a channel with a single peer organization with its own MSP and CA (Certificate Authority), and an orderer organization with its own MSP and CA. We will create the respective identities to deploy peers and operate nodes.

Step 3. Build a network - Create MSP Definitions

Step 4. Build a network - Create Peers

Step 5. Build a network - Create Orderer

Step 6. Build a network - Create and Join Channel

Step 7. Deploy Insurance Smart Contract on the network

Step 8. Connect application to the network

Step 9. Enroll App Admin Identities

Step 10. Run the application

Navigate to the directory blockchain directory which contains the config.js file:

  cd build-blockchain-insurance-app/web/www/blockchain/

In the editor of choice, change line 8 of the config.js file to isCloud: true as shown in the image below:

Is Cloud

If you are using Mac, save the changes. Otherwise, if you are using an Ubuntu system, change line 9 of config.js file to isUbuntu: true as shown in the image below:

Is Ubuntu

Next, from the blockchain directory navigate to the root project directory:

blockchain$ cd ../../../

Login using your docker hub credentials.

docker login

Run the build script to download and create docker images for the orderer, insurance-peer, police-peer, shop-peer, repairshop-peer, web application and certificate authorities for each peer. This will run for a few minutes.

For Mac user:

cd build-blockchain-insurance-app

For Ubuntu user Make sure isUbuntu:true is saved in the line 9 of config.js:

cd build-blockchain-insurance-app

You should see the following output on console:

Creating repairshop-ca ...
Creating insurance-ca ...
Creating shop-ca ...
Creating police-ca ...
Creating orderer0 ...
Creating repairshop-ca
Creating insurance-ca
Creating police-ca
Creating shop-ca
Creating orderer0 ... done
Creating insurance-peer ...
Creating insurance-peer ... done
Creating shop-peer ...
Creating shop-peer ... done
Creating repairshop-peer ...
Creating repairshop-peer ... done
Creating web ...
Creating police-peer ...
Creating web
Creating police-peer ... done

Wait for few minutes for application to install and instantiate the chaincode on network

Check the status of installation using command:

docker logs web

On completion, you should see the following output on console:

> blockchain-for-insurance@2.1.0 serve /app
> cross-env NODE_ENV=production&&node ./bin/server

Server running on port: 3000
Default channel not found, attempting creation...
Successfully created a new default channel.
Joining peers to the default channel.
Chaincode is not installed, attempting installation...
Base container image present.
info: [packager/Golang.js]: packaging GOLANG from bcins
info: [packager/Golang.js]: packaging GOLANG from bcins
info: [packager/Golang.js]: packaging GOLANG from bcins
info: [packager/Golang.js]: packaging GOLANG from bcins
Successfully installed chaincode on the default channel.
Successfully instantiated chaincode on all peers.

Use the link http://localhost:3000 to load the web application in browser.

The home page shows the participants (Peers) in the network. You can see that there is an Insurance, Repair Shop, Police and Shop Peer implemented. They are the participants of the network.

Blockchain Insurance

Imagine being a consumer (hereinafter called “Biker”) that wants to buy a phone, bike or Ski. By clicking on the “Go to the shop” section, you will be redirected to the shop (shop peer) that offers you the following products.

Customer Shopping

You can see the three products offered by the shop(s) now. In addition, you have insurance contracts available for them. In our scenario, you are an outdoor sport enthusiast who wants to buy a new Bike. Therefore, you’ll click on the Bike Shop section.


In this section, you are viewing the different bikes available in the store. You can select within four different Bikes. By clicking on next you’ll be forwarded to the next page which will ask for the customer’s personal data.

Bike Shop

You have the choice between different insurance contracts that feature different coverage as well as terms and conditions. You are required to type-in your personal data and select a start and end date of the contract. Since there is a trend of short-term or event-driven contracts in the insurance industry you have the chance to select the duration of the contract on a daily basis. The daily price of the insurance contract is being calculated by a formula that had been defined in the chaincode. By clicking on next you will be forwarded to a screen that summarizes your purchase and shows you the total sum.

Bike Insurance

The application will show you the total sum of your purchase. By clicking on “order” you agree to the terms and conditions and close the deal (signing of the contract). In addition, you’ll receive a unique username and password. The login credentials will be used once you file a claim. A block is being written to the Blockchain.

note You can see the block by clicking on the black arrow on the bottom-right.

At this point, you should be able to go into your IBM Blockchain Platform console, click on the channels, and then be able to see the contract_create block being added.

For additional steps on how to file more claims, and use the rest of the application, please go here.

Congratulations! You've successfully connection your React app to the IBM Blockchain Platform! Now each time you submit transactions with the UI, they will be logged by the blockchain service.

Additional resources

Following is a list of additional blockchain resources:


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