IBM / esindex-operator

A k8s CRD and operator for Elasticsearch indices
Apache License 2.0
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IBM Cloud Operator for ElasticSearch Indices

The IBM Cloud Operator for Elastic Search Indices, as part of IBM Cloud operators, provides a Kubernetes CRD-Based API to manage the lifecycle of Elastic Search indices. It allows to provision elasticsearch indices from your Kubernetes cluster, using the ESIndex CRD.

The Elastic Search access credentials can be specified in requests via reference to a Binding, a Secret, or a ConfigMap resource. The Binding resource is managed by IBM Cloud Binding Operator in conjuction with IBM Cloud Service Operator. Details can be found at

Supported Features


To install the operator, run the following script:

curl -sL | bash 

This will install the latest version of the operator. It will run in ibmcloud-operators namespace. To see its status, run this command:

kubectl get pod -n ibmcloud-operators


curl -sL | bash 


Sample yaml files are provided under config/samples. To create an index, you must already have an elasticsearch service instance and a source of elasticsearch access credential. The operator supports three options to specify the source of elasticsearch access credentials:

You may choose to use any one of these options. esindex.yaml, esindex_secret.yaml and esindex_configmap.yaml contain examples for each of them, respectively. The following commands assume the use of as the source.

  1. Create an elasticserch service instance on IBM Cloud:
kubectl apply -f config/samples/elasticsearch.yaml
  1. Create a binding instance:
kubectl apply -f config/samples/elasticsearch_binding.yaml
  1. Create an index on the elasticsearch:
kubectl apply -f config/samples/esindex.yaml


To find the current git revision for the operator, type:

kubectl exec -n ibmcloud-operators $(kubectl get pod -l " app=esindex-operator" -n ibmcloud-operators -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') -- cat git-rev

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