IBM / kar

KAR: A Runtime for the Hybrid Cloud
Apache License 2.0
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kar-debugger: Incorrect breakpoint list when using #servers > 1 #348

Open eaepstein opened 2 years ago

eaepstein commented 2 years ago

Depending on node version, npm version, package-lock file, and perhaps the phase of the moon, "vb" displays different things. Given node 16.14.0 and npm 8.3.1 or 8.13.2, and the current repo state, fd3f3f6, temporary single-step breakpoints are not displayed.

eaepstein commented 1 year ago

A more careful test was done comparing running all processes from cmdline vs running application and debugger in separate containers. Both scenarios used node v16 (16.14 vs 16.17). For the command line scenario there is only one kar server running sidecar and application, and the debugger connects to that sidecar. With separate containers, each has a sidecar, with the debugger connecting to the sidecar in its container.

** With two sidecars the debugger does not remove temporary breakpoints created to support single-step operations.

Connecting the debugger to a 2nd cmdline sidecar showed the same behavior (kar run -app dp -v info -runtime_port 12333 /bin/bash sleep 999999)