IBM / kar

KAR: A Runtime for the Hybrid Cloud
Apache License 2.0
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cloud cloud-native distributed-computing fault-tolerance hybrid-cloud java javascript kubernetes

KAR: A Runtime for the Hybrid Cloud

License Continuous Integration

The KAR runtime makes it easy to develop and run stateful, scalable, resilient applications for the hybrid cloud that combine microservices and managed services.

KAR is:

Scalable and Fault-Tolerant State

KAR puts a great deal of emphasis on helping developers manage application state. Stateless microservices are easy to scale and easy to restart or replace on failure. Stateful microservices are not. Moreover the state of an application not only includes the state of its microservice components, but also the state of in-flight requests or events, external state in databases or on disk, etc. Keeping track of this state, avoiding performance bottlenecks, and protecting it from failures is typically very hard.


KAR make it easy to structure the state of microservices as a collection of actor instances. The actor model is a popular and well-understood approach to programming concurrent and distributed systems. Each actor instance is responsible for its own state. The state of an actor instance can be saved or restored safely (because actor instances are single-threaded) and independently from other actor instances (since there is no shared state).

KAR offers simple APIs for actors to incrementally save their state to Redis. These APIs can be triggered periodically, or when idle with little effort. KAR can automatically restore the state of a failed actor instance. Timers or event subscriptions associated with an actor instance are also restored.

Actor instances can migrate from one microservice replica to another due to failures or for load balancing purposes. KAR understands that actors are relocatable. KAR's API for invoking actors transparently routes, and if necessary reroutes, requests to the proper destination.

For instance, in the simulation engine example described below, the simulation state is partitioned across multiple replicas of the simulator microservice using actors. A developer can reason about and program these actors and their interactions without having to worry about exhausting the resources of a single process or mapping actor instances to processes. In that sense, KAR supports a "serverless" experience.

Retry Orchestration

KAR automatically retries failed (i.e., interrupted) actor method invocations. Retries are necessary but dangerous. Many other systems proactively retry a task when its success is in doubt, for instance if it has not completed by a deadline. As a result, multiple executions of a task may happen concurrently. Worse, two tasks in a sequence may end up running concurrently as a spurious retry of the first one overlaps with the second. The tasks therefore have to be carefully engineered to be resilient not only to sequential retries, but also concurrent retries, and possible reordering. By contrast, KAR is designed to better orchestrate retries---retries are more constrained---so as to unburden developers from complex non-local reasoning.

To start with, KAR guarantees that:

In other words, KAR will try as many times as necessary, making one attempt after the other, but not once more than necessary. KAR goes beyond individual invocations to offer guarantees about nested invocations and chains of invocations.

KAR strives to achieve such guarantees in a dynamic, distributed system with minimal overheads.

For a detailed technical description, see Reliable Actors with Retry Orchestration.

KAR Application Mesh

KAR is deployed as a lightweight process, a container, or a Kubernetes sidecar that runs alongside each microservice:

Together the KAR processes form a mesh:


Using the KAR mesh, a typical application interfaces a collection of microservices, event sources, event sinks, and interactive client/CLI processes. Consider for instance the architecture of the simulation engine described in actor-ykt. This application combines:

The simulator, reporter, and controller are Node.js components implemented in JavaScript. The notifier component leverages the Camel runtime and is configured by means of a few lines of YAML.

A developer may choose to deploy the simulator to Kubernetes/OpenShift but run the controller on his laptop. The KAR CLI or operator automatically injects and configures the KAR runtime that runs alongside each component.

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KAR is an open-source project with an Apache 2.0 license.