IBMSparkGPU / GPUEnabler

Provides GPU awareness to Spark, Contact: @kmadhugit and @kiszk
Apache License 2.0
172 stars 59 forks source link

GPU Enabler for Spark

This package brings GPU related capabilities to Spark Framework. The following capabilities are provided by this package,


This package is compatible with Spark 1.5+ and scala 2.10+

Spark Version Scala Version Compatible version of Spark GPU
2.1+ 2.11 2.0.0
1.5+ 2.10 1.0.0


You can link against this library (for Spark 1.5+) in your program at the following coordinates:

Using SBT:

libraryDependencies += "" %% "gpu-enabler_2.11" % "2.0.0"

Using Maven:


This library can also be added to Spark jobs launched through spark-shell or spark-submit by using the --packages command line option. For example, to include it when starting the spark shell:

$ bin/spark-shell --packages

Unlike using --jars, using --packages ensures that this library and its dependencies will be added to the classpath. The --packages argument can also be used with bin/spark-submit.

Support for GPU Enabler package


The recommended way to load and use GPU kernel is by using the following APIs, which are available in Scala.

The package comes with a set of examples. They can be tried out as follows, ./bin/run-example GpuEnablerExample

Sample programs can be found here.

The Nvidia kernel used in these sample programs is available for download here. The source for this kernel can be found here.

Scala API

// import needed for the Spark GPU method to be added

// Load a kernel function from the GPU kernel binary 
val ptxURL = "/GpuEnablerExamples.ptx"

val mulFunc = DSCUDAFunction(
      "multiplyBy2",        // Native GPU function to multiple a given no. by 2 and return the result
      Seq("value"),         // Input arguments 
      Seq("value"),         // Output arguments 

val dimensions = (size: Long, stage: Int) => stage match {
  case 0 => (64, 256, 1, 1, 1, 1)
  case 1 => (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
val gpuParams = gpuParameters(dimensions)

val sumFunc = DSCUDAFunction(
      Some((size: Long) => 2),
      Some(gpuParams), outputSize=Some(1))

// 1. Apply a transformation ( multiple all the values of the RDD by 2)
//    (Note: Conversion of row based formatting to columnar format which is understandable
//           by GPU is done internally )
// 2. Trigger a reduction action (sum up all the values and return the result)

val output = ss.range(1, N+1, 1, 10)
        .mapExtFunc(_ * 2, mulFunc)
        .reduceExtFunc(_ + _, sumFunc)

Java API (Supported only on RDD)

// import needed for the Spark GPU method to be added

// Load a kernel function from the GPU kernel binary 
URL ptxURL = gp.getClass().getResource("/GpuEnablerExamples.ptx");

// Register the cuda functions along with input & output arguments order
JavaCUDAFunction mapFunction = new JavaCUDAFunction(

JavaCUDAFunction reduceFunction = new JavaCUDAFunction(

// Create a Java Cuda RDD 
JavaRDD<Integer> inputData = sc.parallelize(range, 10).cache();
ClassTag<Integer> tag = scala.reflect.ClassTag$.MODULE$.apply(Integer.TYPE);
JavaCUDARDD<Integer> jCRDD = new JavaCUDARDD(inputData.rdd(), tag);

// 1. Apply a transformation ( multiple all the values of the RDD by 2)
//    (Note: Conversion of row based formatting to columnar format which is understandable
//           by GPU is done internally )
// 2. Trigger a reduction action (sum up all the values and return the result)
Integer output = jCRDD.mapExtFunc((new Function<Integer, Integer>() {
            public Integer call(Integer x) { return (2 * x); }
        }), mapFunction, tag).cacheGpu().reduceExtFunc((new Function2<Integer, Integer, Integer>() {
            public Integer call(Integer integer, Integer integer2) {
                return integer + integer2;
        }), reduceFunction);

Building From Source


This library is built with Maven.

To build a JAR file please follow these steps,



To run the tests, you should run mvn test.