Integrate the ICEPAY Payment service in your project using our handy API client based on REST API (JSON).
You can download the source code and either include it directly in your project, or build it and import the DLL.
After registering for an account with ICEPAY, you receive an e-mail with your 5-digit merchant ID and 40-digit secret code. To use the REST API client, first create a Payment object with your merchant ID and secret:
IcepayRestClient.Payment restPayment =
new IcepayRestClient.Payment(12345, "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz1234567890AbCd");
To retrieve a list of payment methods available to your merchant account, call the GetMyPaymentMethods method:
IcepayRestClient.Classes.Payment.GetMyPaymentMethodsResponse getMyPaymentMethodsResponse =
It returns a response with an array of PaymentMethod objects. Each of these contain the payment method code and available issuer codes you'll need to perform a checkout.
Initiate a payment by calling the Checkout method:
IcepayRestClient.Classes.Payment.CheckoutResponse checkoutResponse =
new IcepayRestClient.Classes.Payment.CheckoutRequest
Amount = 200, //amount in cents
Country = "NL", //2 character ISO country code
Currency = "EUR", //3 characther ISO currency code
Description = "ICEPAY payment via REST API",
EndUserIP = "", //read the end user's IP address
OrderID = "ORD0000001", //
PaymentMethod = "IDEAL", //Payment method code
Issuer = "ING", //Issuer code
Language = "NL" //2 character ISO language code
The checkout response contains a field PaymentScreenURL. This contains a URL to a payment confirmation screen, to which the end user must be redirected to complete the payment. If the PaymentScreenURL is empty, an error has occurred.
After a payment is completed or expired, your webshop will receive a postback message with a status update. You can also manually retrieve the status of any payment you've done. To retrieve the status of a payment, call the GetPayment method:
IcepayRestClient.Classes.Payment.GetPaymentResponse getPaymentResponse = restPayment.GetPayment(
new IcepayRestClient.Classes.Payment.GetPaymentRequest
PaymentID = checkoutResponse.PaymentID //the PaymentID is returned in the CheckoutResponse
This response contains a field Status that identifies the current status of the payment:
To refund a completed payment, you can use the Refund object:
IcepayRestClient.Refund restRefund =
new IcepayRestClient.Refund(12345, "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz1234567890AbCd");
IcepayRestClient.Classes.Refund.RequestRefundResponse refundResponse = restRefund.Checkout(
new IcepayRestClient.Classes.Refund.RequestRefundRequest
PaymentID = 123456789, //the PaymentID is returned in the CheckoutResponse
RefundAmount = 100, //1 Euro in cents
RefundCurrency = "EUR"
The response will contain the PaymentID if the refund was successful, otherwise the Message field will contain an error explanation. The response also contains the RemainingRefundAmount. This is the part of the original paymnt amount that was not yet refunded and for which you can still issue refund requests. If the payment was fully refunded, the RemainingRefundAmount is 0.