ICESAT-2HackWeek / h5cloud

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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H5Cloud - Cloud-Optimized Access of Hierarchical ICESat-2 Photon Data


Launch on CryoCloud. Hosted on AWS US West2 region. Requires CryoCloud user account.

CryoCloud JupyterHub


Aimee Barciauskas, Development Seed
Andy Barrett, NSIDC
Wei Ji, Development Seed
Alex Lewandowski, Alaska Satellite Facility
Luis Lopez, NSIDC
Alex Mandel, Development Seed
Jonathan Markel, UT Austin
Suman Shekhar, Rutgers University
Rachel Wegener, University of Maryland, College Park

The Problem

ICESat-2 photon-data is formatted as HDF5 files, which provide many advantages for scientific applications including being self-describing and able to store heterogenous data. However, ICESat-2 granules are frequently over a larger spatial extent than is needed for scientific workflows, meaning users must read in the full ATL03 HDF5 file to geolocate the data, then subset to a given area of interest. Applications like EarthData and NSIDC data portals have simplified this process for users by allowing them to provide a bounding box and only returning the subset data. Still, because HDF5 files are serialized, the original ATL03 H5 file must be read fully into memory by the cloud provider.

This is in contrast to raster data, where cloud-optimized GeoTIFFs are organized internally such that it is easy to access only a specific subset of the total area using HTTP GET range requests. A similar capability for ICESat-2 along-track photon data would provide measurable read performance improvements for cloud data providers and local data users alike. The current aims of this Hackweek group are to benchmark current methods of accessing/subsetting ATL03 data from a public cloud data source (AWS S3), investigate methods of repacking photon data, and determine how libraries like kerchunk can be used for more efficient requesting of data from specific along-track locations.

Sample Data

ATL03 files used for testing were selected to maximize baseline ATL03 filesize, and are available at s3://is2-cloud-experiments.

Benchmark table

This project includes benchmark tests in 'h5tests/` for the libraries listed as rows below. Tests should be run against the formats listed as columns in the table below.

Notebooks exist in the notebooks/ folder for generating those formats listed.

Library/File Format Original HDF4 h5repack kerchunk original kerchunk repacked GeoParquet Flatgeobuf
1a - h5py n/a n/a n/a
1b - gedi_subsetter H5DataFrame n/a n/a n/a
2 - xarray via h5netcdf engine n/a n/a
3 - h5coro n/a n/a n/a
4a - geopandas via pyogrio/GDAL driver n/a n/a n/a
4b - geopandas via parquet driver n/a n/a n/a n/a





Each team member has it's own folder under contributors, where he/she can work on their contribution. Having a dedicated folder for one-self helps to prevent conflicts when merging with master.


Notebooks that are considered delivered results for the project should go in here.


Helper utilities that are shared with the team