ICOS-Carbon-Portal / stiltweb

Web facade for STILT modelling tool
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stiltweb: Web facade for STILT modelling tool

Deployed to stilt.icos-cp.eu

Useful URLs and curl command examples (internal use)

To see the table with current STILT ids, names and alternative ids, visit https://stilt.icos-cp.eu/viewer/stationinfo

To submit a job:

curl --cookie "cpauthToken=..." -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"userId": "user@email.com", "siteId": "HTM", "lat":56.10, "lon": 13.42, "alt": 150, "start": "2012-06-18", "stop": "2012-06-18"}'

To fetch STILT results:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"columns": ["isodate", "co2.stilt"], "fromDate": "2008-01-01", "toDate": "2008-01-02", "stationId": "BAL"}' https://stilt.icos-cp.eu/viewer/stiltresult

Column isodate is synthetic, will contain timestamp (seconds since Unix epoch in UTC).

Property "columns" is optional. If provided, the returned result is a JSON array of JSON arrays with corresponding values. If omitted, the result is a JSON array of JSON objects with all the available properties and values (useful to discover the available columns).

To get raw STILT results instead of "pre-packaged" summaries, post the same type of request to a similar URL that ends in stiltrawresult istead of stiltresult.