ICT2101 P3-2 Team Project
Prototype Demo Video is uploaded in the repository. So, do watch that for a better understanding on how our prototype works.
If the video cannot be open from github or is too blurry, here's another link to the video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wJl6G3X_lrBsC7UKFUGn6AA346l95yvl/view?usp=share_link
Link to Figma Prototype: https://www.figma.com/file/pCzHpiw95c8xhlcUVF4axV/2101_Prototype?node-id=1%3A16&t=MW5BdnFwpJKKhMmq-0
Inside the figma link, there are 3 different pages - IT Admin, Staff & Manager
To view the IT Admin/Staff/Manager demo,
1) Click on the IT Admin/Staff/Manager page (either one)
For those with google account or regular figma users: (at the left side of the screen)
For those without google account or non-figma users: (at the top left corner)
2) Click on the play button found at the top right corner
3) Then, it will bring you to another tab where you can see the login page
4) Press the 'Z' key once on your keyboard to fit to screen 5) Then, either follow along the demo video or you can click anywhere which will then highlights (in blue) areas that are clickable.