IDA-RE-things / Chrome-xp-api-adapter

lighweight and fine-tuned alternative to progwrp.dll for Supermium/Thorium, running on XP
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"Win7 API to XP" Adapter DLL for Chromium-based browsers

"source-available" (only for me while), lighweight, stripped-down, and fine-tuned alternative to progwrp.dll for Supermium/Thorium (and others unbranded Chromium-based browsers, may be, in the future), running on XP (and not only).

UPD: Initially I have started this project to be open-source alternative. But now I decided to open sources only if author of original opens his sources. So, sorry guys. No "Windows vs ReactOS" while :)


The author of the original library did not want to provide the source code for this dll (progwrp.dll), in his open-source Chromium-fork repo. Even after I have detected some bugs inside this dll (one was critical Handles leak in his old SRWLocks implementation, causing whole system disfunction; and another - AccessViolations while thread creations -- the hacking trick inside TLS initialization code to work on XP, was wrong. (and as result he fixed them).

Thus, because I still had no source code, And author had no plans to publish it or show, I questioned, why I helped (as fact) in proprietary and closed software creation, without any benefit from this: having no access to preview or to beta-versions of the whole browser (which I have recommended to do (as irony here), having no Collaborator status on the repo, or mention, or thanks anywhere. No links in browser repo commits to "issues", no comments in code to "issues". Nothing. Which then transfered to "patches", lossing commit comments at all, and surfaced in another browser project as their work.

The end point was, when I have read 3rd person (owner of that another project, not owner of DLL) proposition, that the code of DLL "not allowed to be reverseengineered", when he placed this in his (3rd person) github pero near other browser code, with provided PDB (which was originally on my request to debug. And Yes, I was constrained to debuig the problems in "opensource" repo, by reverse-engineering DLL, provided in this repo only as binary. Even earlier, than he provided the PDB on my request on "issues", I have created my own PDB for this). The irony was in that this DLL also based on reverse-engineering of Microsoft Binaries.

I'm started my work in this day just after this "proposition". I desided to create my own variant of such DLL. And improve it as I want. And do with it what I want.

How it was done:

be understandable, and has no unnecessary code and bytes :)

Because I also was under impression of my research "Unadequate/Wrong Memory allocation algorithms/code. Causing process VirtualSize growing and exceeding 2Gb limith, while only ~400Mb allocated for data, and crash" (and no one planed to fix this). And shit(bloated) coding style in the Chromium code itself. And fact that Chrome.dll now ~200 Mb in size (while only few code really executed).

My goal from the start was to create simplest and smallest possible version of such DLL, But functioning for me, and allowed me to use the browser on XP SP3 x86. Write understandable source code, which allowed me now to debug it, modify it and improve as I want; also to debug Chrome.dll problems, when some functions called here.

So I taken Microsoft online documentation (sometimes it will be mentioned in the code comments for reference). Also I taken my existing experience in susch DLLs creation. I have spent ~2 weeks of my time to initial creation and then debug/understand some bugs (sometime was hard to find the causes: detect which function from the ~160, was recreated/rewritten wrongly, and causes the visible bug simptoms . But I succesfully found such way).

The library I have created, named Chrome-xp-api-adapter.dll. To use, it can be renamed to progwrp.dll for existing Chrome.exe/dll binary. (of above browsers)

Сompiled DLL (in Releases section) is only ~20 kb vs 136 kb original.

Current Limitations: