IDEA-Research / ED-Pose

[ICLR 2023] Official implementation of the paper "Explicit Box Detection Unifies End-to-End Multi-Person Pose Estimation "
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end-to-end iclr2023 multi-person-pose-estimation

Explicit Box Detection Unifies End-to-End Multi-Person Pose Estimation


This is the official pytorch implementation of our ICLR 2023 paper "Explicit Box Detection Unifies End-to-End Multi-Person Pose Estimation ".

⭐ ED-Pose

method We present ED-Pose, an end-to-end framework with Explicit box Detection for multi-person Pose estimation. ED-Pose re-considers this task as two explicit box detection processes with a unified representation and regression supervision. In general, ED-Pose is conceptually simple without post-processing and dense heatmap supervision.

  1. For the first time, ED-Pose, as a fully end-to-end framework with a L1 regression loss, surpasses heatmap-based Top-down methods under the same backbone by 1.2 AP on COCO.
  2. ED-Pose achieves the state-of-the-art with 76.6 AP on CrowdPose without test-time augmentation.

🔥 News

🐟 Todo

This repo contains further modifications including:

🚀 Model Zoo

We have put our model checkpoints here.

Results on COCO val2017 dataset

Model Backbone Lr schd mAP AP50 AP75 APM APL Time (ms) Download
ED-Pose R-50 60e 71.7 89.7 78.8 66.2 79.7 51 Google Drive
ED-Pose Swin-L 60e 74.3 91.5 81.7 68.5 82.7 88 Google Drive
ED-Pose Swin-L-5scale 60e 75.8 92.3 82.9 70.4 83.5 142 Google Drive

Results on CrowdPose test dataset

Model Backbone Lr schd mAP AP50 AP75 APE APM APH Download
ED-Pose R-50 80e 69.9 88.6 75.8 77.7 70.6 60.9 Google Drive
ED-Pose Swin-L 80e 73.1 90.5 79.8 80.5 73.8 63.8 Google Drive
ED-Pose Swin-L-5scale 80e 76.6 92.4 83.3 83.0 77.3 68.3 Google Drive

Results on COCO test-dev dataset

Model Backbone Loss mAP AP50 AP75 APM APL
DirectPose R-50 Reg 62.2 86.4 68.2 56.7 69.8
DirectPose R-101 Reg 63.3 86.7 69.4 57.8 71.2
FCPose R-50 Reg+HM 64.3 87.3 71.0 61.6 70.5
FCPose R-101 Reg+HM 65.6 87.9 72.6 62.1 72.3
InsPose R-50 Reg+HM 65.4 88.9 71.7 60.2 72.7
InsPose R-101 Reg+HM 66.3 89.2 73.0 61.2 73.9
PETR R-50 Reg+HM 67.6 89.8 75.3 61.6 76.0
PETR Swin-L Reg+HM 70.5 91.5 78.7 65.2 78.0
ED-Pose R-50 Reg 69.8 90.2 77.2 64.3 77.4
ED-Pose Swin-L Reg 72.7 92.3 80.9 67.6 80.0

Results on COCO test-dev dataset

Results when joint-training using Human-Art and COCO datasets

🥂 Noted that training with Human-Art on ED-Pose can lead to a performance boost on MSCOCO!

Results on Human-Art validation set

Arch Backbone mAP AP50 AP75 AR AR50 Download
ED-Pose ResNet-50 0.723 0.861 0.774 0.808 0.921 Google Drive

Results on COCO val2017

Arch Backbone AP AP50 AP75 AR AR50 Download
ED-Pose ResNet-50 0.724 0.898 0.794 0.799 0.946 Google Drive


🚢 Environment Setup

Installation We use the [DN-Deformable-DETR]( as our codebase. We test our models under ```python=3.7.3,pytorch=1.9.0,cuda=11.1```. Other versions might be available as well. 1. Clone this repo ```sh git clone cd ED-Pose ``` 2. Install Pytorch and torchvision Follow the instruction on ```sh # an example: conda install -c pytorch pytorch torchvision ``` 3. Install other needed packages ```sh pip install -r requirements.txt ``` 4. Compiling CUDA operators ```sh cd models/edpose/ops python build install # unit test (should see all checking is True) python cd ../../.. ```
Data Preparation **For COCO data**, please download from [COCO download]( The coco_dir should look like this: ``` |-- EDPose `-- |-- coco_dir `-- |-- annotations | |-- person_keypoints_train2017.json | `-- person_keypoints_val2017.json `-- images |-- train2017 | |-- 000000000009.jpg | |-- 000000000025.jpg | |-- 000000000030.jpg | |-- ... `-- val2017 |-- 000000000139.jpg |-- 000000000285.jpg |-- 000000000632.jpg |-- ... ``` **For CrowdPose data**, please download from [CrowdPose download](, The crowdpose_dir should look like this: ``` |-- ED-Pose `-- |-- crowdpose_dir `-- |-- json | |-- crowdpose_train.json | |-- crowdpose_val.json | |-- crowdpose_trainval.json (generated by util/ | `-- crowdpose_test.json `-- images |-- 100000.jpg |-- 100001.jpg |-- 100002.jpg |-- 100003.jpg |-- 100004.jpg |-- 100005.jpg |-- ... ```

🥳 Run

Training on COCO:

Single GPU ``` #For ResNet-50: export EDPOSE_COCO_PATH=/path/to/your/cocodir python \ --output_dir "logs/coco_r50" \ -c config/ \ --options batch_size=4 epochs=60 lr_drop=55 num_body_points=17 backbone='resnet50' \ --dataset_file="coco" ``` ``` #For Swin-L: export EDPOSE_COCO_PATH=/path/to/your/cocodir export pretrain_model_path=/path/to/your/swin_L_384_22k python \ --output_dir "logs/coco_swinl" \ -c config/ \ --options batch_size=4 epochs=60 lr_drop=55 num_body_points=17 backbone='swin_L_384_22k' \ --dataset_file="coco" ```
Distributed Run ``` #For ResNet-50: export EDPOSE_COCO_PATH=/path/to/your/cocodir python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 \ --output_dir "logs/coco_r50" \ -c config/ \ --options batch_size=4 epochs=60 lr_drop=55 num_body_points=17 backbone='resnet50' \ --dataset_file="coco" ``` ``` #For Swin-L: export EDPOSE_COCO_PATH=/path/to/your/cocodir export pretrain_model_path=/path/to/your/swin_L_384_22k python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 \ --output_dir "logs/coco_swinl" \ -c config/ \ --options batch_size=4 epochs=60 lr_drop=55 num_body_points=17 backbone='swin_L_384_22k' \ --dataset_file="coco" ```

Training on CrowdPose:

Single GPU ``` #For ResNet-50: export EDPOSE_CrowdPose_PATH=/path/to/your/crowdpose_dir python \ --output_dir "logs/crowdpose_r50" \ -c config/ \ --options batch_size=4 epochs=80 lr_drop=75 num_body_points=14 backbone='resnet50' \ --dataset_file="crowdpose" ``` ``` #For Swin-L: export EDPOSE_CrowdPose_PATH=/path/to/your/crowdpose_dir export pretrain_model_path=/path/to/your/swin_L_384_22k python \ --output_dir "logs/crowdpose_swinl" \ -c config/ \ --options batch_size=4 epochs=80 lr_drop=75 num_body_points=14 backbone='swin_L_384_22k' \ --dataset_file="crowdpose" ```
Distributed Run ``` #For ResNet-50: export EDPOSE_CrowdPose_PATH=/path/to/your/crowdpose_dir python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 \ --output_dir "logs/crowdpose_r50" \ -c config/ \ --options batch_size=4 epochs=80 lr_drop=75 num_body_points=14 backbone='resnet50' \ --dataset_file="crowdpose" ``` ``` #For Swin-L: export EDPOSE_CrowdPose_PATH=/path/to/your/crowdpose_dir export pretrain_model_path=/path/to/your/swin_L_384_22k python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 \ --output_dir "logs/crowdpose_swinl" \ -c config/ \ --options batch_size=4 epochs=80 lr_drop=75 num_body_points=14 backbone='swin_L_384_22k' \ --dataset_file="crowdpose" ```

We have put the Swin-L model pretrained on ImageNet-22k here.

Evaluation on COCO:

ResNet-50 ``` export EDPOSE_COCO_PATH=/path/to/your/cocodir python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 \ --output_dir "logs/coco_r50" \ -c config/ \ --options batch_size=4 epochs=60 lr_drop=55 num_body_points=17 backbone='resnet50' \ --dataset_file="coco" \ --pretrain_model_path "./models/edpose_r50_coco.pth" \ --eval ```
Swin-L ``` export EDPOSE_COCO_PATH=/path/to/your/cocodir export pretrain_model_path=/path/to/your/swin_L_384_22k python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 \ --output_dir "logs/coco_swinl" \ -c config/ \ --options batch_size=4 epochs=60 lr_drop=55 num_body_points=17 backbone='swin_L_384_22k' \ --dataset_file="coco" \ --pretrain_model_path "./models/edpose_swinl_coco.pth" \ --eval ```
Swin-L-5scale ``` export EDPOSE_COCO_PATH=/path/to/your/cocodir export pretrain_model_path=/path/to/your/swin_L_384_22k python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 \ --output_dir "logs/coco_swinl" \ -c config/ \ --options batch_size=4 epochs=60 lr_drop=55 num_body_points=17 backbone='swin_L_384_22k' \ return_interm_indices=0,1,2,3 num_feature_levels=5 \ --dataset_file="coco" \ --pretrain_model_path "./models/edpose_swinl_5scale_coco.pth" \ --eval ```

Evaluation on CrowdPose:

ResNet-50 ``` export EDPOSE_CrowdPose_PATH=/path/to/your/crowdpose_dir python \ --output_dir "logs/crowdpose_r50" \ -c config/ \ --options batch_size=4 epochs=80 lr_drop=75 num_body_points=14 backbone='resnet50' \ --dataset_file="crowdpose"\ --pretrain_model_path "./models/edpose_r50_crowdpose.pth" \ --eval ```
Swin-L ``` export EDPOSE_CrowdPose_PATH=/path/to/your/crowdpose_dir export pretrain_model_path=/path/to/your/swin_L_384_22k python \ --output_dir "logs/crowdpose_swinl" \ -c config/ \ --options batch_size=4 epochs=80 lr_drop=75 num_body_points=14 backbone='swin_L_384_22k' \ --dataset_file="crowdpose" \ --pretrain_model_path "./models/edpose_swinl_crowdpose.pth" \ --eval ```
Swin-L-5scale ``` export EDPOSE_CrowdPose_PATH=/path/to/your/crowdpose_dir export pretrain_model_path=/path/to/your/swin_L_384_22k python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 \ --output_dir "logs/crowdpose_swinl" \ -c config/ \ --options batch_size=4 epochs=80 lr_drop=75 num_body_points=14 backbone='swin_L_384_22k' \ return_interm_indices=0,1,2,3 num_feature_levels=5 \ -- dataset_file="crowdpose" \ --pretrain_model_path "./models/edpose_swinl_5scale_crowdpose.pth" \ --eval ```

Virtualization via COCO Keypoints Format:

ResNet-50 ``` export EDPOSE_COCO_PATH=/path/to/your/cocodir export Inference_Path=/path/to/your/inference_dir python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 \ --output_dir "logs/coco_r50" \ -c config/ \ --options batch_size=1 epochs=60 lr_drop=55 num_body_points=17 backbone='resnet50' \ --dataset_file="coco" \ --pretrain_model_path "./models/edpose_r50_coco.pth" \ --eval ```
Swin-L ``` export EDPOSE_COCO_PATH=/path/to/your/cocodir export Inference_Path=/path/to/your/inference_dir python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 \ --output_dir "logs/coco_swinl" \ -c config/ \ --options batch_size=1 epochs=60 lr_drop=55 num_body_points=17 backbone='swin_L_384_22k' \ --dataset_file="coco" \ --pretrain_model_path "./models/edpose_swinl_coco.pth" \ --eval ```
Swin-L-5scale ``` export EDPOSE_COCO_PATH=/path/to/your/cocodir export Inference_Path=/path/to/your/inference_dir python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 \ --output_dir "logs/coco_swinl" \ -c config/ \ --options batch_size=1 epochs=60 lr_drop=55 num_body_points=17 backbone='swin_L_384_22k' \ return_interm_indices=0,1,2,3 num_feature_levels=5 \ --dataset_file="coco" \ --pretrain_model_path "./models/edpose_swinl_5scale_coco.pth" \ --eval ```

💃🏻 Cite ED-Pose

title={Explicit Box Detection Unifies End-to-End Multi-Person Pose Estimation},
author={Jie Yang and Ailing Zeng and Shilong Liu and Feng Li and Ruimao Zhang and Lei Zhang},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},