IDEMSInternational / puzzle-telegram-bot

A Telegram bot for running puzzle competitions
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This is a Telegram bot for running online puzzle competitions in the format of Naboj: All puzzles must have numerical answers. Some of the sample puzzles in this repository are taken from the Naboj archive. Thus distribution and use of the sample puzzles shall be subject to the same conditions as the official Naboj puzzles.


Bot Setup

Create a new bot in telegram: @BotFather /newbot (Also see here:

Save the API token.

Make it able to read messages in groups: @BotFather /mybots >> Select the new bot >> Bot Settings >> Group Privacy >> Turn off (Also see here:

Now add the new bot to the groups you want it to participate in. Ensure that slow mode is disabled in those groups.

API Setup

copy the .env.example file to .env and fill in the details.

cp .env.example .env

Then set these values to the ones you got from the Telegram bot earlier.


Python libraries

Install Telethon for python3:


To start up the actual bot, run the following:


Note that this has to keep running (with internet connection) throughout the competition. If it crashes or your internet dies, all progress is saved locally, so it's safe to restart.

Any admin in the channel also becomes admin for the bot. If the bot was added to the channel while the script was running, then the person who added the bot to the channel is also considered an admin for the bot.


In the respective channel:



Data in the content folder can be customized.

Modify questions.json with custom questions.

Modify motivationals.json with custom motivationals. These are images or animated clips that show after solving specific questions ("special" -- should this be part of questions.json?), or after a certain number of questions ("regular"). Enable/disable them by setting enable_motivationals in

Technical details

Channels and admins

Channels that a bot is in are registered in channels.json. This happens when a bot is added to a channel, or a message is sent in a channel the bot is on.

Channels and team progress is tracked in the data folder.

The file channels.json has the following structure:

     "channel_id": {
         "name" : "channel_name",
         "admins" : ["admin_id1", "admin_id2", "admin_id3"],
         "competitions" : []
     "channel_id2": {
         "name" : "channel_name2",
         "admins" : ["admin_id1", "admin_id2"],
         "competitions" : ["comp_id1"]

For each team, there is a progress/<chat_id>.json tracking which problems the team has solved.