IDEMSInternational / rpicsa

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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rpicsa: R Package for PICSA and Climatic Analysis for Crops

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rpicsa is an R package designed to assist in the analysis of climate data for crop production using the Plant Impact on Climate and Societal Adaptation (PICSA) framework. It provides a range of functions to help researchers, agronomists, and farmers make informed decisions about planting and managing crops based on climatic data.

The package offers a suite of tools to perform various climatic analyses, including:


You can install the development version of rpicsa like so:

# Install the 'devtools' package if you haven't already
if (!require(devtools)) {

# Install 'rpicsa' from GitHub


We give some small examples in using the functions in rpicsa


# use the data in the package, but for this demonstration we will look at the data before 1950.
daily_niger <- rpicsa::daily_niger %>% dplyr::filter(year <= 1950)

To calculate the start of rains in Niger, we can use the start_rains() function. In our case, we define the start of rains as the first instance where there is more than 25mm of rainfall over three days, and there is no more than nine days without rainfall within 21 days.

We also calculate the end of rains. Here, we define the end of rains to be the first instance after day 121 (April 30th), where there is one day with no more than 10mm of rainfall.

# Calculate Start of Rains
start_rain_table <- start_rains(data = daily_niger, date_time = "date", station = "station_name",
            year = "year", doy = "doy", rain = "rain",
            total_rainfall = TRUE, over_days = 3, amount_rain = 25,
            dry_spell = TRUE, spell_interval = 21, spell_max_dry_days = 9

# Calculate End of Rains
end_rain_table <- end_rains(data = daily_niger, date_time = "date", station = "station_name",
            year = "year", doy = "doy", rain = "rain",
            start_day = 121, interval_length = 1, min_rainfall = 10)

# Combine into a table Start of Rains
summary_rains_table <- dplyr::full_join(start_rain_table, end_rain_table)

We can then use this to calculate other summary statistics - for example, length of season, or rain summaries in the season

# Length of season
season_length_table <- rpicsa::seasonal_length(summary_rains_table, start_date = "start_rains", end_date = "end_rains",
                                               data = daily_niger, date_time = "date", station = "station_name",
            year = "year", doy = "doy", rain = "rain")

# We can also look at the total rainy days and rainfall amount in each season
season_rain_table <- rpicsa::seasonal_rain(summary_rains_table, start_date = "start_rains", end_date = "end_rains",
                                               data = daily_niger, date_time = "date", station = "station_name",
            year = "year", doy = "doy", rain = "rain")
Station Year Start of rains End of rains Length of season Rain in season (mm) Number of rainy days in season
Agades 1945 NA NA NA NA NA
Agades 1946 NA 239 NA NA NA
Agades 1947 212 292 80 264.9 22
Agades 1950 231 255 24 154.2 7
Birni N’Konni 1945 NA 274 NA NA NA
Birni N’Konni 1946 156 292 136 NA NA
Birni N’Konni 1947 180 265 85 478.9 31
Birni N’Konni 1948 195 255 60 318.2 16
Birni N’Konni 1949 188 261 73 325.9 26
Birni N’Konni 1950 157 262 105 702.8 41
Niamey_Aero 1940 NA NA NA NA NA
Niamey_Aero 1941 NA NA NA NA NA
Niamey_Aero 1942 NA NA NA NA NA
Niamey_Aero 1943 144 263 119 NA NA
Niamey_Aero 1944 NA NA NA NA NA
Niamey_Aero 1945 170 261 91 562.9 39
Niamey_Aero 1946 166 299 133 707.3 46
Niamey_Aero 1947 166 312 146 396.4 33
Niamey_Aero 1948 160 255 95 541.4 28
Niamey_Aero 1949 206 253 47 268.8 25
Niamey_Aero 1950 188 280 92 573.5 41
Zinder 1945 NA 261 NA NA NA
Zinder 1946 149 272 123 761.4 42
Zinder 1947 183 269 86 414.0 30
Zinder 1948 183 264 81 304.6 24
Zinder 1949 203 255 52 207.4 14
Zinder 1950 201 269 68 541.3 24
Agades 1948 NA 227 NA NA NA
Agades 1949 NA 225 NA NA NA

We can use this to calculate probabilities to aid in successful crop production in the future. Let’s say we are just interested in Birni N'Konni. Say we want to find the best crop to plant, so try out different planting days and planting periods to see which would historically be most likely to succeed. We look at 100mm rainfall for a crop where the start of rains starts before day 100, and then before day 200, and where the length of season is 60 days or 80 days:

crops_definitions(data = daily_niger %>% dplyr::filter(station_name == "Birni N'Konni"), date_time = "date", station = "station_name", year = "year", doy = "doy", rain = "rain",
                  season_data = summary_rains_table %>% dplyr::filter(station_name == "Birni N'Konni"), start_day = "start_rains", end_day = "end_rains",
                  water_requirements = 100,
                  planting_dates = c(100, 200),
                  planting_length = c(60, 80))
Station Water Requirements Planting Day Season Length Probability of Success
Birni N’Konni 100 100 60 0.00
Birni N’Konni 100 100 80 0.00
Birni N’Konni 100 200 60 0.80
Birni N’Konni 100 200 80 0.17

We can see that the most successful crop will be one that needs a planting length of 60 days, and can be planted after day 200.

We can finally look at the probability of the rainy season to start after a specified set of dates:

probability_season_start(summary_rains_table %>% dplyr::filter(station_name == "Birni N'Konni"), station = "station_name", start_rains = "start_rains", specified_day = c(100, 200, 300))
Station Start day Probability
Birni N’Konni 100 0.00
Birni N’Konni 200 0.83
Birni N’Konni 300 0.83

In Birni N’Konni (from 1945-1950), the rainy season started between day 100 and 200 about 83.3% of the years. This can be useful to aid in planting schedules.


For detailed information on each function, including arguments, usage, and examples, please refer to the package documentation. You can access it using the following command:



We welcome contributions from the community. If you have any bug reports, feature requests, or would like to contribute code to rpicsa, please visit our GitHub repository.


This package is open-source and distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute it as needed.


If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us.