IDKJava / the-elements

The Elements Android particle sandbox-style game.
GNU General Public License v3.0
10 stars 5 forks source link


  1. Set up Android Studio.
  2. Clone the repo (with submodules): git clone --recursive
  3. Build the protobuf compiler: -- cd protobuf -- ./ -- ./configure -- make -j -- Confirm protobuf/src/protoc exists.
  4. Download the Android NDK.
  5. Set ANDROID_HOME and ANDROID_NDK_HOME env variables.
  6. Set IDKJAVA_KEYSTORE to point to the keystore file location, and IDKJAVA_KEYALIAS to the key alias within the keystore.
  7. If using Android Studio GUI to build the gradle project, then create a file at the top level with ndk.dir=path/to/ndk to ensure that the gradle spawned under Android Studio can find the NDK.


  1. git pull
  2. DON'T FORGET: git submodule sync This will receive any changes to submodule HEAD.

Building an APK (gradle)

The root of the repository contains a gradlew shell wrapper. To build a debug build: -- ./gradlew assembleDebug To build a release build: -- ./gradlew assembleRelease -- Respond to the password prompts for keystore signing The built apk will be outputted to TheElements-dev/build/outputs/apk/.