IEEERobotics / bot

Robot code for 2014.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Rubix Cube and Simon Servo 3-d Printing Needed #212

Closed cdyoder closed 9 years ago

cdyoder commented 9 years ago

If anyone has access to a 3D printer and can get the printer to function properly, it would be much appreciated if both the Rubix's cube bottom holder part and the Simon says actuator 2 could be printed for next week's Thursday hack day.

Part names: Rubiks_Bottom_Holder.stl simon servo mount 2.stl

The files can be found here:

When printing, please place the flat, square side of the simon servo mount face down. Finally, please place the L-shaped face of the Rubik's cube holder down such that the small extruded side panel bottom is flat against the printing platform.

cdyoder commented 9 years ago

Update: There is an additional part named simon stepper holder.stl which needs to be printed. It is on the drive under the "To print" folder. The part is needed in order to hold the stepper motor for the simon solution.

jakunesh commented 9 years ago

Did you ever get the servo mount you needed? I know I printed one, but you said it would need some updates. Or was that a different part?

cdyoder commented 9 years ago

The servo mount needs to be modified. Otherwise, both are printed. When I update the file for the servo holder, I will simply create a new issue.