IEEERobotics / bot

Robot code for 2014.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
18 stars 11 forks source link

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Code for the NCSU IEEE Robotics Team's robot(s).


This is the main codebase for the IEEE Robotics Team. Don't be intimidated! We've recently done some cool work to make your life as a dev much, much easier. You can use Vagrant and/or Docker to trivially stand up a standardized, batteries-included dev environment. You can also be confident your changes haven't broken anything by running our Tox-driven unittests while developing. Once you push your code, all tests will automatically be run in our Travis Continuous Integration environment, which will handle emailing folks when things break and updating the build status badge at the top of this README. Unfamiliar with the codebase? No worries, it's incredibly well documented! Look for docstrings at the top of every module, class and method. Looking for some non-code docs? Check out our GitHub-hosted wiki! Need a task to work on, or need to report a bug, request a feature or ask a question? Head over to our GitHub Issue tracker!

All we ask in return is that you do your best to keep the codebase healthy by writing unittests, documenting your code with docstrings and in-line comments, following PEP8 style conventions, and being a good community member by keeping the wiki up-to-date, the Issue tracker clean and our build status badge green. Happy hacking!


  1. Read the Start guide
    • Add to, or edit, the start guide if you find problems.
  2. If you have questions, feel free to post to the Issue tracker, no matter how trivial it is.
    • This is considered the 'official' channel of communications for the club.
    • If you run into a problem or are confused, it's likely other people are also confused and running into the same problem.
    • This doesn't just have to be for code! All disciplines and majors on this team are organized through github.

Code Style

  1. Read PEP8
  2. Re-read PEP8
  3. Pedantically follow PEP8

To check for PEP8 conformance, run tox -epep8. See the Testing section for details.

Docstring Style

For general docstring style guidance, see PEP257. Specialize your docstrings for Sphinx, as described here. You may also find this docstring and Sphinx information helpful. Looking at existing well-done docstrings is a solid approach.


The project uses Tox to run unit tests, confirm that Sphinx-gen'd docs build and verify that the code conforms to PEP8 style. To kick off all tests, simply issue the tox command in the project's root. Note that Tox automatically builds and brings down virtual environments, installing required dependences as it does.

root@5d8d6d5e188f:/opt/bot# tox
  py27: commands succeeded
  docs: commands succeeded
  pep8: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

To run a specific set of tests in a virtual environment, use tox -e<name of tests>. For example, tox -epep8 to run PEP8 style checks or tox -epy27 to run unit tests with a Python 2.7 interpreter.

Our codebase is pretty awesome in that it supports standing up both Vagrant and Docker environments. The environments created there are pre-configured to completely support our code, so you don't have to do that work on your dev system. When testing, you should use one of those well-understood, documented, reproducible environments. See the Vagrant and Docker sections for details.

Another awesome thing about our codebase is that it's configured to do Continuous Integration using Travis CI. Every time a change is made to the code, an automated Travis job kicks off and runs all of our tests (unit tests, PEP8 style tests, builds the docs). If the build breaks, the badge at the top of this README turns red and the people listed in our .travis.yml file get notified via email. Keeping our project's badge green is a matter of pride. Don't fail us. ;)


Docker makes use of containers that work at a process level, compared to Vagrant's OS level isolation. This makes Docker images much more fast and lightweight. However, Docker support for Windows is in its very early stages and not yet ready for consumption, which is one plus for Vagrant. Linux users should prefer Docker.

Aside: Docker is one of the sexiest new technologies around. If you get proficient with it, you should put that on your CV.

If you haven't already, head over to the Dependencies: Docker section and get Docker setup on your dev box.

We have an Automated Build configured on DockerHub. For every change of the codebase, our Dockerfile is executed to create an up-to-date Docker image automatically by DockerHub. To grab a totally configured environment with the latest code, simply run:

[~/bot2014]$ docker pull ieeerobotics/bot

The default process that will be executed in our Docker image is given by the CMD ["./", "-Tsc"] line in our Dockerfile. So, unless you override that default, docker run commands will start a client and server in test mode (simulating fake hardware).

TODO: There's currently an issue with this. Simulated pin files must be created by running tests first. Working on it.

[~/bot2014]$ docker run -ti ieeerobotics/bot

You can run tests like this:

[~/bot2014]$ docker run -ti ieeerobotics/bot bash
root@5d8d6d5e188f:/opt/bot/bot# cd ..
root@5d8d6d5e188f:/opt/bot# tox

TODO: Description of code+test work flow


Vagrant allows you to trivially spin up a VM that's totally configured to support our codebase. It isolates its environment at an OS level, instead of a process level like Docker. This makes it slower. However, Vagrant is supported on Windows where Docker is not.

Note: If you don't have Vagrant installed/configured, head over to the Dependencies: Vagrant section.

Now that the work of creating a Vagrantfile is done, you can spin up a Vagrant environment with a simple one-liner:

# General form: vagrant up <name of box>
[~/bot2014]$ vagrant up base

If this is your first time using the Vagrant image we build on, it'll be downloaded from VagrantCloud for you. That may take some time, but it'll be cached locally for future use.

There are actually two Vagrant boxes defined in our Vagrantfile. One, called base, provides only the minimum required to run the codebase. The other, called tooled, adds various useful dev tools to the base box. The tooled box is meant for folks that don't have good development environments set up locally (ie, Windows). For folks with dev environments they are comfortable with already, use the base box, edit code on your host and then run tests and/or the CLI/Server in Vagrant. Everything in the root of the repo is synced with /home/vagrant/bot in both Vagrant boxes.

Once a box is built and up, you can connect to it with this equally trivial command:

# General form: vagrant ssh <name of box> 
[~/bot2014]$ vagrant ssh base

You'll be given a shell in the Vagrant VM. Navigate around and run tests as normal.

vagrant@packer-debian-7:~$ ls
bot  src
vagrant@packer-debian-7:~$ cd bot/
vagrant@packer-debian-7:~/bot$ ls
bot  Dockerfile  docs  LICENSE.txt  requirements.txt  tests  tox.ini  Vagrantfile
vagrant@packer-debian-7:~/bot$ tox
<snip test output>


Now that we have super-sexy Vagrant and Docker environments, our dependencies are almost completely handled for you. All you'll need to do is to your machine is install git for working with the code, Vagrant for standing up Vagrant environments and Docker for standing up Docker environments.

Dependencies: Git

We version control our code with git, because welcome to the 2000s. Head over to our wiki page on Git for instructions about how to install and configure it if you're not a git-ninja already.

Dependencies: Vagrant

Head over to the Vagrant Downloads page and grab the latest version of Vagrant for your OS. Fedora/RHEL/CentOS folks need the RPM package, Ubuntu/Debian folks need the DEB package. Note that Vagrant also supports Windows and OSX.

Assuming you're on Fedora/RHEL/CentOS, find the .rpm file you just downloaded and install it:

sudo rpm -i <name of rpm>

Vagrant uses various "providers" for virtualization support. By default, it uses VirtualBox. If you don't have VirtualBox installed, you'll see an error message when you try to vagrant up anything. Install VirtualBox (Fedora/RHEL/CentOS):

sudo yum install VirtualBox -y

Kernel Errors

If you get a kernel upgrade in a normal sudo yum update, you may need to re-update your VirtualBox kernel modules.

sudo yum install kmod-VirtualBox -y
sudo systemctl restart systemd-modules-load.service

Dependencies: Docker

Docker supports most major OSs, including very recent support for Windows. The following instructions are for Fedora. More info about installation on other OSs here.

Install the docker-io (not docker!) package:

sudo yum install docker-io -y

Start the Docker daemon and configure it to start at boot:

sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker

To avoid having to run all Docker commands as root, add your user to the docker group:

sudo usermod -a -G docker <your username here>

You may need to reboot for the usermod step take effect.

To verify that everything worked, grab an image from DockerHub and make sure you can run commands:

# Will need to prepend "sudo" if you haven't rebooted after usermod step
docker run -ti debian:7 echo "Hello world!"